I know that there are tons of spy shots for the thing, but these are legit pictures, completely free of any kind of body disguising. This is the car that's getting unveiled at the Tokyo Auto Show. Link form Autoweek (more pictures and article): http://www.autoweek.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071016/FREE/71016002/1508/newsletter12 Hopefully I don't get owned by hotlinking. EDIT: Hmmm, and for some reason it's only throwing up the links for me. Sorry guys, just click I'm too lazy to photobucket all of these right now.
AWD? No mention of AWD in the article. I can't imagine that it wont be AWD. nice car though. similar to the g35, but not too much.
The GT-R trademark is AWD. If it wasn't AWD it would be a GT like the Skyline 350Gt (G35 to us) and older skyline GT-S s that were only RWD.
Priced less than $80,000?? Not after the Dealers get done. Every time Nissan has a hit the dealers go crazy with markup. I bet you see these things with $100K tags on them.
I wouldn't call it ugly, but I do agree that it doesn't hold a candle to the R34. For me though, I just know that it's going to be so badass in the performance department that I can get over the looks. Also, the fact that's it's actually going to be available in the US.
sorry not that attractive to me but im sure the tech on the car is awesome but ill put it on the last gen 300Z then ill reconsider
^ huh? lets see: 0-60 in 3.5sec, quarter mile comes by in 11.7, and it laps the ring faster than a 911 turbo. yeah, I'll take one!
I'm not too crazy about the fact that it's one of those paddle-shifted automatics. If it's anything like the one in the newest Corvettes, I'd much rather have a standard 6-speed. My Dad currently drives one, and it shifts like a malibu, even with the paddles. Just doesn't seem hardcore enough for a GT-R. Unless of course it's one of those neck-snapping 100 millisecond affairs, in which case hell yeah! I guess we'll just have to wait for Motor Trend to test it. Oh and that thing is damn sexy.
I don't know, i like the way it looks mean as hell with the 10 inch wide rims and flares. Not a fan of silver but the other colors would look amazing. Will be next car in the far future for sure.
It's weird, I actually like it alot more than the concepts. There's something about it I can't quite put my finger on that really draws me in. I'ld drive one!
I like it. Of course I love nissans though, I've owned 3 240sx's...and another one in the near future. That sleek design should mean low drag and good downforce. I'd rather have a GTR than a Z06. I like the turbo rush more so than naturally aspirated.
Eh, for that much money you could commission a one-off body kit that makes the Impreza look good and get suspension/turbo/etc.
why? It's not any faster nor does it go around a track faster. but nowhere near the refinement or technology. Like saying it would be better to have a miata with a turbo than a 911, no thanks I'll take the 911.
+1 I can't speak for CoolRex, but here is why for me: I have some sort of illogical distaste for V6s. I love I6s and H6s, but the V6 layout to me is some sort of bastard child. Not to mention I love V8s. And come on... This thing just looks mean!
Because the V6 Twin turbo will most likely be a freaking nightmare to work on. Reminds me a lot of the 300Z under the hood.
The I6 engine is naturally balanced because of its layout. To me all V6's are for pontiacs grand am's and the like. And yeah, the 300zx really helped me to dislike V6's. They should have never gotten rid of the I6 in the Z cars. Just my opinion. I'm an old school Z guy.
NIssan actually went with the V6 for the 350/g35/gtr because it helped balance the weight of the car. Im not a fan either but they did it for a reason.
umm, righttt. Not sure exactly what one would 'work on' if one just payed 80 grand for a car. Suspension should likely be setup just right, brakes look about as big as needed, and that may or may not be the final engine that goes in there. didnt strokes for different folks, but I can't see power modding a z06 much considering its already on the verge of its traction limit.
^^^ Crazy I like it, and I agree, it looks much much better than the concepts and prototypes did.....
WTF!? The jump from the STi to Skyline is no f@#$n way near as big as a miata to a 911. Well maybe if you're talking about weight increase I guess. :keke: