Powdered Toast Man from Ren and Stimpy. Steal this idea and die, i thought of it 2 days after Halloween last year.
heres mine. im just switching it up to a ga fan. all i need is a hat. oh and the real mullet i got in this pick is even longer this year!
Haha, the thought had crossed my mind as well. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be Gene Frenkle, aka Cowbell player in the Blue Oyster Cult.
haha me and my friend saw that at a halloween store on pleasant hill. I wanted her to get one of those really short kimono things... so sexy lol.
I'm going to be a big daddy from bioshock, and my wife and oldest daughter are going to be splicers, and my two youngest daughters are going to be little sisters.
Thanks! I actually plan on some video of all of us and posting it on youtube. everyone has their costume ready, but mine is the most complicated so its not done yet. :sx:
lol... or, you could just go as LOG, it would be easier i was thinking about wandering the streets as Hunter S. Thompson, but i'm not gonna have time this year.
i'm going to be zombie steve irwin i'm going to get shot this weekend but hey, it is better than being postmortem sexy jonbenet ramsey as some of my friends had planned.
I'm going as Kurt Cobain and my wife is going as a shotgun. I'm going to spend the night trying to find her. :rofl:
I was Michael Vick last night. I had a fake dog on a leash attached to me that ended up getting in a fight with a real dog. Let's just say, I think my dog lost.
My roommate did Happy Time Harry from Aqua Teen a few years back. He had action bills and red dancin shoes etc.
My GF and I are going as characters from Street Fighter (the video game). She's Chun Li and I'll be Ken...yeah NOT barbie Ken
You should get a couple friends to go as Proffessor Chaos and General Disarray... That would be sweet...
we are gonna be a pirate (tougetuned) and a faerie (me) we arent going anywhere cause we are broke but the little kids in the neighborhood will think its cute ...
ahaha :rofl: That reminds me of me and my wife's costumes when we went to our friends party. We were "Pirate vs. Ninja" I was the ninja, she the pirate. Pirate won. Boobs trumps swords anyday...
i am just hoping we make it give the little kids candy, cause we sure as heck almost didnt make it to the ren faire in the spring when i wore that costume.
ya'll should see Jake's picture (BC2003UGA). i will see if i can get it up here tonight! Definitely a different side than i had seen before!
Pirate vs. Ninja Sorry, the pic doesn't show the cleavage inherent in a pirate wench costume... :dirty:
i will have to post a picture once i get my lazy butt out of my uniform and into my costume .although soldier vs pirate would be intresting ... i would still win.
As promised, here are pics of the bioshock family. Oh, and a video on youtube: http://youtube.com/watch?v=YEqZkglTVYE
We're so having a pirates versus ninja party at my house sometime in the next couple months. We were talking about having a bunch of us dressing up as one or the other for halloween and staging random fights around the hood but lets just consolodate and have a party. You've got an invite for sure man.