We gotta start using this forum more often. This is the elite society of WRXAtlanta and we should use this.
Amen. I can't keep up with the all the kiddies running around on here anymore. Damn, I must be getting old.
^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-uh!!!
So this thread turned into one about how old we are getting and then died... Just wanted to bump this with the new blackberry pearl...
I need Mark to post more so I am not the oldest one here. I guess it really doesn't matter how old I am, now that I am a moderater like teh 2pt5 and Bruce
And I thought I had no life. Oh can someone dig me out of all the snow? Michigan sucks. Been here 2 days and I am sick of the snow! This message brought to you via the blackberry curve in the middle of nowhere!
which BB did you take back face? I'm contemplating getting a BB, but I'd also like to wait for 2nd gen iphone. when is that coming out?
I had the pearl. Nice phone but I like the browser more on the Iphone. It won't let you see the pic mm messages, you have to have them emailed unless I just havent figured it out yet. And you are limited on ringtones. Phonezoo does not work with it. You have to choose songs from Itunes that can be made into ringtones. Im sure I will learn much more over time. They call it the crackberry but the iPhone is more adictive by far!!!
Alex is sending decals to supporting members when they sign up...right? Maybe we all need links in our sigs like Face to "become a supporting member" or "get wrxatl decals".