the pothole posse

Discussion in 'General Community' started by Biggis, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. Biggis

    Biggis Member


    So while driving to lunch today I crossed over 14th street on W Peachtree when I suddenly realize that a metal plate "covering" a hole is loose.

    I averted my eyes from the on coming carnage when I hear BANG BANG.

    Didn't really hurt anything, but I need to find a new way to work and such now till they fix it. I urge you all to avoid that intersection too.


    It was the left middle lane btw. I assume it affected the three left lanes in addition, all the ones across those lanes are similar.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2007
  2. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    I appreciate the heads up. I take that route any time I'm heading north to 85 or 400. Damn...
  3. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    yea thats the city of atlanta for you. took them 3 years to finish a project infront of the complex i work on and we have had to find different ways to go.
  4. cMags

    cMags Member

    Damn, and here I was thinking that I'd be getting away from the stupidity that is construction in Boston...

    Though potholes aren't nearly as big a hole in the ground as the Big Dig, so maybe it won't be so bad... :rofl:
  5. schneid

    schneid Member

    avoid all of N. Druid hills between buford highway and peachtree, especially if you are driving from buford hwy. its like driving on a 50 yr. old sidewalk
  6. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    I hit this last week and the RCE's weren't happy...bind bind bind.
  7. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    yea atl roads aren't the best...AT ALL...too bad its not the good ole days where there was awesome would that be..for us anyway! I read on I believe that GA is one of the slowest at doing road construction, 2 years behind most or something like that...

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