So, I went to Punchline with Milo, Amol, Ankur, Cape Cod, and a couple other people to see Russell Peters, the show was funny as shit. We decided after the show we were going to the Riverfront Tavern for some drinks. So we leave Punchline, and as I pull up to Roswell Road, a beautiful yellow Murcielago drives past, no other cars behind him, so I had room to jump out and get behind him. Pull up behind, and the lane beside me opens up, so I pull along side him. He rolls down his window to tell me I have a nice car. :naughty:Ankur starts talking to the guy and he tells us he has the LP640, makes the rear vents go up and revs. Light changes, all the cars in front of us start going, but we sit there for another moment talking. I start moving forward, and he gets on it. Split second later I get on it. I hung with him for about 1/2 second, then it was over. Didn't think to snap a pic quick enough. Only got a really bad shot of his tail from far away, not even worth posting. Anyways, the guy was cool as shit. He commented on loving the BOV as I pulled behind him. It was like a 50 year old guy and he had a hot ass 18-24 year old girl with him. He pulls on to Abernathy, and I continue up Roswell. I come up on a nice Honda Accord with Altezzas. He sees me, and revs his engine. I ignore it. Pull up to a light, he is behind me in the next lane over. Light changes, I pause for a second, and the ricer gets beside me and I start moving. He guns it then has to slam on his brakes so he doesn't run into the car in front of him. All along, there is a Cop 2 cars behind him. He got pulled over a few seconds later :rofl: Tonight was an awesome night. Russell Peters was awesome, and the Lambo guy was just icing on the cake. Then the ricer getting pulled over just finished it all off perfectly.
Ya he was at chops tonight, i had his table. Didnt get to talk cars with him but i saw what car he got into.
he might be the one that lives right off 285 in sandy springs...i see him all the time off hammond and mt vernon. No pics of the ricer?