Verizon vs AT&T

Discussion in 'General Community' started by WRX_SVXGirl, Nov 16, 2007.

  1. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    so AT&T has proven to be worse than hammered poop. I wont go into all the issues we have. anyone have any dirt of verizon? we are thinking about switching pretty soon.
  2. 1naplay

    1naplay Member

    yeah, I had problems with them, they have good coverage dont get me wrong, but they have the worst customer service EVER, long story short, I got a phone and wasnt working right, I took it back and exchanged it 4 times, after that, I wanted them to give me my money back so I can pick a different phone because that same model really wasnt working for me because the battery doesnt keep charged, they told me, no too bad, and all this was with in 45 days all 4 phones, I told them that I was going to cancel if they dont want to give me money back to get a new phone, I was willing to pay the cancel fee, they were like "thats fine with us", so before I cancel them I went and got T mobile, and I call Verizon back to cancel, and they told me, please dont cancel and we will give you a new phone, well dont you think that's a little late, since I asked them before and they say no? On top of that my friends in Ohio have the same problem and they didnt fix it either. hope this helps you.
  3. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    I've had both and both had problems but I like AT&T much better out of the both.....
  4. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    we are having issues with dropped calls and my phone wont work this will be the thrid time i have had it replaced in less than a year. their customer service has been good and i get a good discount but the dropped calls thing is really really getting to us.
  5. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    I have had both carriers. I switched to Cingular (AT&T) years ago only because I like their phones way better (I don't like Motorola and I love Sony Ericcsson). The coverage is more or less the same, but that is in the Metro ATL area... I have no idea what the difference in coverage area is in Dallas. I don't think I have had a dropped call on my AT&T phone in years. My sprint/nextell phone for work is a different story. NEVER I repeat NEVER get a Nextell.
  6. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    no nextell/sprint is not on the even considered list. i drop calls when i am at work, and i work down town. i have a palm treo right now and zach ahs a blackjack. we have just had so many issues, we have good service in dallas but we are always dropping calls. I have had cingular/at&t for a few years now and never had this many problems with coverage. except that i had no service in my moms basement.
  7. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    service in dallas may be a bit difficult in dallas with any carrier you go with. Also what model treo do you have? I have the 750 for at&t and it seems to work rather well. also as far as phone calls in general pda's will always have a more difficult time with calls because there is so much more technology. Also there is a Palm Centro coming out for at&t..hopefully that will be better here in the near future. hope this helps!
  8. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    i have a refurbished 650. when i got the phone it was the only one i could afford. i am upgrading to a better blackberry in march if we stay with them.
  9. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I use T-mobile with my black berry. I rarely have issues with them, and they're customer service is quite nice on the phone.

    They're also not a US based company so you know...
  10. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    had t-mobile, wont go back.
  11. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    That is part of your problem. The Treo 650 is an absolute piece of crap. Do you need a PDA phone? If so, try a newer blackberry or Samsung Blackjack. Also

    I have been working for AT&T/Cingular/The New AT&T for 7 years. If you need advice on what to do, let me know. If you have replaced the phone 3 times for the same issue, next time you speak to the Warranty Department, tell them, and let them know you don't want another 650. They should be able to offer you an upgrade to a different phone model. You would have to pay the difference in price, but not the full price.
  12. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    thanks i am headed up to the warehouse in atlanta after work to replace this one, i am going to try and see if they will give me something different. i definately want a blackberry.
  13. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Do you know what Blackberry you want?
  14. Biggis

    Biggis Member

    I've been off and on with at&t / cingular for what must be 7 years now. Yeah I've had my share of bad experiences, customer service people being rude etc.. But usually one quick call to the district manager or to their corporate customer service line usually fixes the problem for me.

    I had a particularly bad experience about 2 years ago when i bought a phone and contract extension, the phone died after about a month of use. I took it to the store on briarcliff by the mall, the customer service lady gave me so much attitude and essentially told me to "get f***ed, go buy another phone and get out of my face"

    After a bit of calling and mailing etc i got my next 3 monthly bills taken care of and a new phone of my choice.

    So I've been pretty happy with them service wise, but I will NOT go into a storefront if I can at all avoid it.

    AS far as coverage, It seems to be hit or miss with any carrier really. You might just be in a bad spot, I live out in the sticks myself and can say that my coverage has only gotten better with time/different technologies. (gsm etc)

    My experience has been that your coverage won't be much better with a different carrier really.
  15. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    one of the newer ones, 8703 or 8830 . they seem to be the best, i guess that why all the officers here have them.
  16. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    420 do you work at @ at&t head quarters or no? gf works at the head quarters off 400
  17. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I don't work in the HQ building. There is another building a block down the road, that is the one that I am at. What does your GF do? If you want to give me her name, I can look her up in the GAL and see her position.
  18. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member


    I am going to be getting a new phone in Jan. Which Blackberry do you recommend?. I have the Samsung a707 now.

  19. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member


    I have the Palm Treo 750 and absolutely love it. I'd also recommend getting on and read reviews, specs etc to maybe help you choose the correct blackberry, or other device. just my .02
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2007
  20. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    i am about to get either a 8300 or and 8310. i was told the 8310 was the best one since it has all the features plus GPS.
  21. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    From what I remember from meeting you the other night, you have a refurbed 600, not 650. The 600 was a thousand times worse than the 650!

    anyway, I think I'm one of the few with Verizon, also being that I work for Verizon. For the most part, all the carriers are getting to the same degree of network, it all comes down to how you're treated. If you're happy with at&t, then stick with them. I can tell you in 4 years with Verizon, I've dropped all of 10 calls. out of more than 10,000. what is that, a .0001% of my call volume?

    I also personally prefer anything BUT a windows device. Palm OS is good, Blackberry is better IMO.

    The 8310 is essentially the same with the exception of GPS like you said. That's what I would go with if you want to stay with at&t. Verizon will be carrying that phone in the next couple months, we're currently testing it.
  22. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    But T-Mobile stateside = crap. :p

    I'm just sayin'!!!

    Over in Europe, they are the bomb diggity...not so much here.
  23. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    What features are you looking for with your phone?

    The Blackberry 8310 Curve seems to be the best all around option.
  24. caseyfoster

    caseyfoster Member

  25. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    omg where did you get that picture of me?
  26. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    There are so many things wrong with this statement that I will just reply with a :eek3:
  27. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    Wow, is anyone else creeped out and confused?
  28. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    BelvnAWD - that was funny..I'd quote you but only so many features on a cell
  29. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    Don't bother with T-mobile, they're cool but they don't broadcast on as many frequencies as AT+T. In terms of dropped calls and etc, it all depends on the area. I used to have Verizon, hated the lack of sim card technology and all the phones were absolute shit compared to what I came from in England. Didn't get good signal around the house and we ultimately switched to Cingular and now get great signal around the house and even in the basement too! I get a few dropped calls around my apartment in Athens but everyone seems to have problems in that room too. I also like being able to use phones from across the world on ebay rather than having all the info in phone.

    Why don't you ask a friend with each provider to come to where you work and see who gets the best signal? That seems to be your main issue.
  30. caseyfoster

    caseyfoster Member

  31. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    i've had ATT for the last 2 years and haven't had any dropped calls unless I'm driving somewhere out of the way. In the ATL and around 285, not many issues.
    However, my battery on the razr1 is dieing. Matt, I need a replacement when I get back man.
  32. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    It's in the car right now!
  33. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    we get ok service at the house sometimes it worse out here, i get perfect service at work and i work in a nuclear fall out shelter.
  34. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    i am in the army ...
  35. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    That sounds good Jason...I am looking at that one and the new AT&T HTC 8925 Tilt. I can get a new one in Jan.08.
    Here is the one I like:

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2007
  36. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    The Tilt has some Screen Flickering issues
  37. Kolgoth

    Kolgoth Supporting Member

    Yeah - the Tilt has several issues... Get the 8310 - phenomenal phone! My only recommendation from personal use is get a 2nd battery... That or just make sure you've got a car charger too - battery life isn't fantastic is you're on it a ton - but overall it's a majorly kick ass phone!
  38. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    Is that the only problem with it?. I may just go ahead and get the curve then. I like the specs on the curve also...


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