Probably not as dire a situation as the blogger indicates, but, hopefully, if there is innovation, its still in the spirit of what Subaru is trying to do today...
wow that would be well understandable but would kill the company....I'm sure there is technology out there to build a hybrid or better mpg getting Subaru then taking away what makes Subaru a Subaru... but then again who knows where will be in 2010+ like they were saying..
I don't think it would kill Subaru. Maybe they can change their lame tagline too. "It's what makes a Subaru a Subaru". I cringe when I hear it!
it is going to happen eventually. with everyone paranoid about gas milage the easiest way to get better mpg is taking off the extra wieght of awd. plus subaru is all about the mass market these days.
considering we are the only market that gets solely AWD+ boxer engines on all of our cars I don't see why this would 'kill' the company.
I think there's room for the company to make and offer hybrid 2wd cars, and I'd like to be able to drive an ultra efficient Subaru as a commuter car. With gas prices rising I can see many of the green, Sierra Club loving Subaru owners gravitating to 2wd hybrid Subarus. Subaru has only been 100% AWD in the United States since 1996 and Subaru of America has been in the U.S. since 1958.
Well in seeing how the wrx changed I guess it would not surprise me. As long as the keep the AWD models for me
I do think its good that they are looking into it as they are already environmentaly conscious ....I mean honda toyota and many others are bringing out hybrid vehicles....its just hard for subaru because in order for them to do the same thing they have to lose their trademark I'm ramblin but hope you
well its not like your gonna see a legacy gt FWD spinning its front wheels down the road. It will be just the super base models.