Yes this made Yahoo news....
I used to hunt them back in LA b/c the season is year round. Makes good stew, plus they fly out the tree when hit. Tastes like chicken :eek4:
Ha ha... Look what is on the NJ Fish and Wildlife Dept. Website: RECIPE FOR SQUIRREL CHOWDER Squirrel Chowder 2 squirrels ½ pound venison, cubed 1 cup celery, sliced 1 can whole kernel sweet corn 2 onions, sliced salt, pepper, red pepper to taste 1 can tomato juice 1 can green beans 4 potatoes, cubed 2 carrots, sliced 1 can peas Combine meat, celery, corn, onions, salt and pepper. Cover with water. Cook until meat is almost tender and remove bones. Add tomato juice, green beans, potatoes, carrots and peas. Cook until tender (use of a slow cooker recommended). Serves 4 to 6. MMMM MMMM Bitch!
Mmmm, I should have stopped to pick up that squirrel still twitching in the road this morning. :eek3:
you guys are just nasty. when i look at a squirrel I don't think "mmm now that looks like it would make a pretty tasty meal"