So a funny thing happened on the way...

Discussion in 'Peanut Gallery' started by 1ll-WRX, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    I was coming home from an amazing Thanksgiving in Tennessee:p, and after a long journey found myself on Peachtree Ind. where it meets with 285... As I merge, theres a SRT-4 that is taunting me...I let this guy go on his way...just for the simple fact that I have been driving for way too long and obvious illegal reasons. He gets stuck behind slower traffic and I decide to pass him in the far left lane and then continue on my way in the left middle lane... he quickly pulls up next to me and slows down. I realize that he wants to do a pull...I entertain the thought for a second and check my mirrors...Once I look in my side mirror I notice a cop behind him..:eek3: So i continue on my way...He then starts to honk...(you know why) on the third honk, he leaves me. then to his apparent surprise he is immediately pulled over...:hsnono: My girlfriend laughs hysterically how someone could be so stupid. I hope that this isn't deemed a "street racing" tale cause it isn't. I just thought it was funny how oblivious some people are on our roads...even if you are going to try to race someone illegally or just get to work...there's crazy dumbasses out there
  2. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    ha dude wasn't very smart....especially over there around 285/ peach ind....not a place to you didn't make the choice to go!! And glad to hear you made it back from your trip to Tenn.
  3. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    human stupidity will always provide endless hours of entertainment ;)


    This weekend is especially not the weekend to be breaking the speed limit, I usually drive about 79 on Atlanta interstates, this weekend I took it down to 70, too many cops out.
  5. sm04subaruwrx

    sm04subaruwrx Member

    I have a story like that too just I didn't see the guy getting pulled over. I was on 400 N a while ago around exit 10 when I saw this car speeding up to me that ended up being a Suzuki Reno. I immediatly thought he was a dumbass because I had already seen 5 cops from 285 to where I was. When he gets to me he slows down and gives me the 3 honks. I completely ignore him until he goes away. Later he is in a lane to exit that is going slow so I end up passing him and he speeds up and tails the car in front of him as I go by. All the guys in the car were leaning out the window staring at me. I just keep going and then I don't see them in the mirror anymore and realize that they are passing the car in front of them in the emergency lane. They then give another try at getting my attention and I ignore them still. I was so glad when they finally exited.

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