When can I wash my car again??

Discussion in 'General Community' started by StarquestAndyR, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. So now that all the fear mongering is out of the media, I'm having a hard time finding out what the current state of the drought is...
    Has anyone heard anything recently?
  2. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

  3. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    in the rain and dont need to dry it :)
  4. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    What you talking about...I wash mine weekly.

    J/K but it sucks you guys are dealing with this. That's why I love the country and love having my own well.
  5. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    dont do it. give it a rally paint job by covering it with mud.
  6. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    i second that!
  7. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

    FTW!!! :)
  8. caseyfoster

    caseyfoster Member

    Just go to one of the wash it your self places. May cost you 5 bux but its worth it.
  9. ridinobryan

    ridinobryan Member

    +1. I also bring soap, brushes, rags, chamy, and a bucket. Wash by hand. Just do it fast.:)
  10. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I do not like to be rushed when I wash the car though :)
  11. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    i wash mine at the self carwash thingy...

    i just make sure the brush that they got has no dirt in it before i use it. or bring my own brush.
    just use the water not the foamy soap thing.

    but you do have tto bring some water for you to fill up the bucket with cuz trying to fill up water with the sprayer that they got takes forever.

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