Cynthia McKinney to Run for President

Discussion in 'General Community' started by Weapon, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

  2. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    universal health care, no war and some certain rights for certain folks..that is what truly matters to me!... Hopefully we'll have a great change in 08!
  3. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    please dont tell me you want the government to supply your health care plan!
    Hillary Care FTL
  4. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    ill go ahead and forward you my $600/month health insurance bill..ha..thanks!
  5. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

  6. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    i heard that on the radio this morning i wanted to cry
  7. welery

    welery Member

    She'll never be elected. But she will take votes away from the Dems... I want her to run!:ddirty:
  8. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    cynthia is hated by to many people after her little stunt a few years ago.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2007


    ^I agree with you on that, I don't care about what church you go to, but I think being a leader in a church is a whole different story.

    On the subject of health insurance, has the government done anything well? Why would you want to give them control of your health? People need to take responsibility for their own lifes and stopping selling their freedoms to the government for more security in life. Sorry about the rant, I hate politics and politicians. Everything everyone of them promises will be forgotten as soon as they are elected anyway.
  10. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    I am not trying to be rude so I will put a smiley right here :)

    Do you realize how great our current health care system is? The US currently has the best health care system in the world. Do you really want to ruin that just so you can save a few dollars on a government provided free health plan? I guess the government should provide everyone with free gas and groceries too. Maybe pay our car insurance, clean our toilets and provide everyone with a lifetime supply of twinkies. When did it become the governments job to provide people with everything? Do you really want the government controlling and making the rules for your health plan? :eek4:

    How will the quality of the free health plan be? Think about it. If you lower the cost of something you also lower the quality. If you get something for free, how good is it? Is it better than something that you pay for? No. Do you honestly think that free health care is going to be better than your current more expensive plan? No it won't be. It will be a far worse plan with very little, if any, options. But hey atleast you will save a few bucks on the plan itself. You will need those extra dollars to pay the extra costs involved with anything not covered outside of the free plan (which will be pretty much everything). It is likely that presciption drugs will double if not triple in costs. There will be waiting lists for anything short of aputating a limb. But the good thing is you can use all that extra dough you saved to go and buy over the counter medication. That should get you by until you can see a doctor 2-3 months after you have recovered or died from what ever illness you were suffering from.

    Dont even get me started on the damage it would do to the economy. :eek3:
  11. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    Do you know where Cynthia McKinney Parkway goes?

    No where! :rofl:
  12. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

  13. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    that's not saying much... and by whose metrics?

    our medicine, created and manufactured here in the US cost us 3-4X what any other citizen in other countries pay. and no it's not the cost of the dollar... last i checked (5sec ago on msnbc) our dollar is getting it's ass kicked, and has been for years.

    so the HC is good, but not great.

    i already think the govt takes care of too much, but the HC industry is pretty much the wild-west in financial terms. healthcare insurance is the ONLY control on cost... and the HCI companys make ridiculous profit, every single year.

    there's a lot of work that needs doing, but i'm niether paid nor have the spare time to work out a fix.

    what i do find particularly humorous is that people won't trust the govt to run healthcare (with good reason in today's current state of government), but they trust the govt to build entire nations and police the rest of the world which just makes me piss myself everytime i say it out-loud
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2007
  14. Nothing is free. Ever.
    You pay in quality, in hidden costs, or in taxes.

    Has anyone read the stories about how aussies and the english are trying to steer away from their government healthcare? I thought I read about that somewhere...

    The real problem is that health insurance is crippled by government mandates (possibly trying to build support for universal healthcare, who knows?) by preventing insurance companies from providing basic insurance. Do you just want insurance in case of emergencies only? NO, you can't have it! Did you want insurance for routine visits only? NO! can't have that either... Want insurance with no pregnancy option? Nope!! can't have that either... (I find it slightly absurd that single guys have to pay for a healthplan that covers pregnancy) The same government that people are looking to for universal healthcare are the ones hamstringing (AKA regulating into the ground) the current healthcare/insurance system.
  15. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Thats it....

    I'm tired of paying for other people doesn't matter what it is.

    If you want goverment assistance you should be required to pass random drug test as well as do what ever job is deemed neccesary. If you are on unemployment then its not unreasonable for us to expect that you have nothing to do...pick up a shovel and start filling pot holes with the rest of the crew.
  16. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Oh...theres no such thing as free, it doesn't matter if its health care or crack, there is always a price.

    In the case of health care its an increase in taxes, which is the same fucking thing as me paying for it...except now I don't have a choice.
  17. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    we deciede the land fills down by my office need to rename the Cythnia McKinney Memorial landfill.
  18. cannarella

    cannarella Member

    IMO the main reason health care cost keep rising is all the frivolous lawsuits. Physicians need to load up on insurance then they pass that cost on to the customer. We always pay in the end, we are at the bottom of the barrel. Get control of frivolous lawsuits and you regain control of health care in a free market economy where it will work out.

    As it was mentioned before, name one thing the government is good and efficient at.

    Like slowwrx said I am tired for paying for others.. I don't have kids, I shouldn't have to pay school taxes.
  19. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    They can collect the hell out of some taxes and if you don't pay they will come get you with a quickness.
  20. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    I am afraid to even get started on how bad socialized medicine would be for this country...
  21. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    i am just going to sit here and keep paying my own salary ...
  22. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    We need to reel in the lawyers in this country. Frivolous lawsuits so creeps can get rich. Lawyers are ruining this country. Look at the tards that cut their hands off trimming bushes WITH A LAWNMOWER and then won a multi-million dollar lawsuit. The woman that was burnt by COFFEE (duh) then won a multi-million dollar lawsuit. Somewhere someone decided we need to dumb down life so the slower people can keep up. What happened to social Darwinism? The stupid people are not dying off from their mistakes, they are becoming rich from them! BAH!

  23. cannarella

    cannarella Member


    Don't file a lawsuit, create a Darwin award entry...
  24. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Healthcare is expensive because there are 3 parties involved: Doctors, insurance companies and patients. In most of the rest of the economy there are 2 parties: 1. providers of goods/services and 2. consumers of goods/services.

    With our healthcare system the patients(consumers) are separated from the providers (doctors) by the insurance company. This creates an artificial economy between doctors and insurers and leaving the patients out of the loop.

    The problem is this disconnect. If doctors truly operated in a free market, prices for medical services and supplies would go DOWN to meet all the demand. Consumers would (in mass) decide the fair price for medical care and the system would respond to the needs of consumers. Ever notice the difference in price of covered vs non-covered procedures? Or the difference in cost of seeing a doc-in-the box vs an affiliated doctor?

    Makes no difference WHO the insurance companies are, government or private, they both make the system overly complicated

    Edit: No offense to anyone who works in insurance, I need cheap rates just like anyone else!
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2007
  25. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Oh and BTW, no matter how much many of us don't like it, we will ALWAYS pay for other people. Every time someone breaks the law, we pay for it. Every time someone leaves trash out, designated areas or otherwise, we pay for it.
  26. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

  27. cannarella

    cannarella Member

  28. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    The World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems. - #37 United States of America click here for list

    So yea..not trying to cause drama nor do I want this to get out of hand, I just feel the health care system could be a lot better if the main focus on it didn't seem to be money. Ive been through what I've been through and I'm very thankful that I am able to afford health insurance...let alone have coverage...
  29. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    In England, you may wait in upwards of a year or two for a surgeon willing to perform a heart bypass stint...just saying. Complex procedures that only private specialized practices and large private hospitals can perform are largely taken for granted here.
  30. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    lol I am not sure who Photius Coutsoukis is or where he gets his ranking information but his main page needs some work
    His rankings seem a little hard to believe. According to him Columbia (which is spelled incorrectly in his ranking chart :) ) and Saudi Arabia have a better health system than us...right. I believe that :ugh:
  31. I'm not trying to pick nit's but the world health organization is the health arm of the united nations. An organization that is also pushing universal healthcare. I'm not saying to ignore their data, just make sure you trust your sources. I don't trust the UN. Their history of siding against the US in just about everything makes me nervous about their stats.
  32. WRX_SVXGirl

    WRX_SVXGirl Member

    not be mean but if you want free health care ... join the military.

    then you too can pay your own salary! like i do!
  33. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    Thank you, you beat me to it.
    I know canada has many citizens that come here (both legally and illegally) to pay for heathcare that is considered routine meanwhile there is a 2yr waiting list in their home country.
  34. 4sevens

    4sevens Member

    Look at what socialized heath care has done in other countries. I got europe all time because of family there. All government
    HC has gone to the dumps. Nobody wants to be a doctor. To get any decent care requires you to bribe
    and know people. Just look at our goverment schools today. Imagine all HC institutionalized like that. :(
  35. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    okie dokie..well my bad folks...guess things aren't as bad as they seem.... Either way I'm healthy now so it should work out just fine either way..haha
  36. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Just remember, you ARE in a red state after all. I mean we have radio stations claiming to give "fair" coverage of both candidates, but the only billboards I see associated with that radio station say "Stop Hillary Now" There's no love for anything "liberal" here in the south.
  37. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    But we do have to stop Hillary :)
  38. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

  39. I think that hillary's campaign is going badly. Currently they are focusing efforts on trying to make sure people think she is "likeable" instead of focusing on issues. I guess being cold and bitchy just doesn't work for everyone...

    Here is the article in USAtoday about it:

    and here is the kicker:

    I guess Bill doesn't like her... hahaha. :rofl:
  40. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Except Georgia has been a predominantly Democratic Controlled state for years...Sonny was the First Republican Governor in quite some time...

    As for health care, there ARE major problems in this country and this state is a great microcosm. Insurance companies are making massive profits while hospitals struggle to stay above water, just look at Grady (its not even the only example in this state) .Our infant mortality rate has climbed steadily so we are now ranked in the middle for industrialized nations, we are seeing a resurgence in sexually transmitted diseases, and drug resistant bacteria are becoming a serious issue in our health care community. We need a more balanced way to access our health care system, it shouldn't just be for the rich. Part of the problem is the cost of healthcare, but the bigger problem is the insurance industry and its very powerful Washington Lobbying capability...

    McKinney/Perot anyone?
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2007

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