So I am driving to work this morning on a long stretch of road out in the country that the speed limit is 55 and I usually do 60. So grandpa in his maroon Mark VIII decided to go 50. I am not tailgating him or anything and know there is a passing area coming up so I wait to see if it will be clear. It is clear so I drop down to 4th to get it over quickly and resume my ride to work. Well grandpa gives me a honk while I was passing and I figure it to be a general "I'm annoyed how dare you pass me" honk. I did not do anything to provoke him like cutting him off. I left enough room to fit a semi in between us. Well now he is not happy, he flips on the bright lights and roars up on my tail and does some more honking. I'm like WTF and bump it up to 65. Well there is a light ahead and unfortunately it is red. He is on my ass pointing and saying something to I guess grandma. Luckily there is nobody in front of me so when green came I dropped the hammer up to about 60 and then leveled off. I figured it was over. Guess not. He comes roaring up again on my ass. I was wondering how far he was going and if he was possibly going to follow me. It ends up that he turns at the next light. I refrained from brake checking him. I did not want to deal with this guy especially with the possibility of him rear ending me. I am assuming just ignoring him was the best move. What would you have done?
you did the right thing. If you would have confronted him he might have gotten all back woods on you and made you squeal like a pig.
I like to drop it into 4th, let them ride up my ass, and then drop the hammer. The only problem with that is sometimes it provokes people which is not good.
i absolutely hate when people do that, and we dealt with it alot on our last road trip, where people would actually speed up to prevent you from passing them. I normally do the speed limit when people start tailgating because one if they hit me it wont be my fault and two is pisses them off, and makes them slow down because they were driving dangerously in the first place, oh and brake checking is always fun.
I would have brake checked the FUCK out of him. Then pulled a #3. My niceness would have ended after the gentle pass and leaving distance all the while using turn signals. There is ZERO reason for the actions from the person that got passed. If they did not want to be overtaken, then they need to GO THE FUCKING SPEED LIMIT. In the mean time... I'm working on an anti tailgater defense system. It involves a rearward facing nozzle targeting the windshield, a medium pressure pump (40~70psi or so) and used motor oil.
anyways... you did exactly what i would have done. Just another psychotic old man that should be locked up.
If work didn't have a policy about not allowing fire arms on property, I would. I figured I did the right (safe) thing. I debated waving at him each time he honked of flashed his lights. That is the prick in me speaking out. I did notice that he had a HAM tag. I should have remembered it and I could have looked him up and sent him subscriptions to Barn Yard Lovers or some crap like that. Hmm he may have liked it. I heard signing up people for unwanted mail is a great revenge trick. Same with email. Thanks for the responses.
yea i believe you did the right thing..road rage is so crazy these days and sometimes brings out the worst in people...and like someone said..never know who has a gun. Many people think they are invincible when driving, I know I've felt like that before, but when you stop and think about the situation it's more than likely that you should do your best to just leave it be and continue on....ya know? just my .02
I just remembered dont have problems with road rage in the sky...and since war has not reached the US mainland, air travel is pretty safe and word: Cessna.
How about warthog, just in case someone ticks me off. I figure a few hundred rounds of depleted uranium rounds would fix that.
You did the right thing. I had a similar incident not too long ago. I simply passed and then this idiot started tailing me flashing lights and flipping me the bird. I waved and continued. I just ignored them as I was then going 5 mph over and it just ticked them off more. On several occasions I've blipped the throttle resulting in a fireball and they backed off. I've had a gun pulled on me before for passing someone.....there are some crazy idiots out there.
I like the fireball idea. I am guessing I don't have the setup for that. If I saw a gun I would have laid the hammer down and gotten the hell out of dodge.
Ooooo...I forgot about my fireball idea....involves a fuel injector, secondary fuel pump and a spark plug-COP setup.
At that time I couldn't and I pulled my .40 at him.....he got the hell out of dodge.hnoes: I was very nervous then as I was ready to pull the trigger but seriously didn't want to.
Yea, I bet that was scary. I am guessing that you were neck and neck and a quick hit of the brakes was out of the question. When owning a gun you have to be prepared to use it. My thought is always be in a defensive situation if at all possible. Don't be the aggressor.
Yeah. There was a car in front of me and he drove up beside me. I hit the brakes twice and he did the same then pulled the gun. The truck behind us saw it all and after it was all said and done that truck was behind me until I got the next stop sign. Saw the farmer and reconized him (I knew of him) and he told me he knew who that idiot was and we both pressed charges. Last I heard the guy was pulled over and charged for illegal possesion of a firearm by a minor(the farmer told me he was a juvie....guy did look like he was 16/17). From then on I've just patiently stayed back.
True it can, but it is better to not be in the situation in the first place. I would rather get a ticket for speeding trying to get away then have an unjustified shooting. Unfortunately if a shooting takes place, nobody wins. The emissions guys must love that. :rofl: