I've been loving my drives to and from work these days. The cold air packs so much more oxygen and keeps the IC cool too. I've been driving so hard my MPG has dropped. My tank lasts 170miles where it usually gives me 260miles.
its exaggerating the fact that i need a new clutch. until now, it doesn;t slip till i'm in 4th or 5th but now it slips in 3rd too...fanastic
I have to say I'm not a big fan of cold air but the car is..and we all know it comes down to whatever makes her happy!....
I too hate cold weather but damnnn the car loves it plus I been driving the NA 92x this week so when I got back into the STI I fell in love all over again. I forgot how hard that thing pulls!
I hate the cold. The rotary hates it till its warmed up. Then it doesn't care all that much since its NA. The cold weather makes everyone of my joints hurt. This sucks.
Me and my car love the cold air. I still drive with at least one of the windows down at least a little.(even though I might have the heat going full-blast).Cannot wait to do some hiking this weekend.
the acura is going rarrrr rarrrr rarrr raaarrrr rarrrr rarrrr, up and down up and down to keep warm every morning at 6:00. but other than that the gas mileage is actually down, haha. i think thats mostly cuz the torque (whats that?? says the honda owner) is actually up and i am driving it a little harder because of that.
Cold weather is great for power and the car is spooling super quickly but I swore I hit a boost spike up to 26psi the other night before it finally settled down to 20psi.
Yeah the difference in throttle response is way more noticeable than i expected. The car is just eating up the denser air!
Seriously. Except that whatever kind of oil I'm running in my new transmission gets really gummy at these temperatures and it's tough to shift until the car warms up >:|
i love the cold air (northern raised ) if i had a convertible i'd have the top off that sucker and heat a-blastin and i'd have a big smile on my face....actually it would probably be frozen on my face.
Come on over and take my jeep out. :rofl: I will make sure top is off and doors are off so it will be nice n cold! lolhnoes:hnoes: :fawk:
haha yeah I'm having the same problem! My top is down whenever it's not raining! Sitting at some lights at Lennox day I got some funny looks when I just dropped the top at a whim!
So out of curiousity... what's considered "cold air" down there? It was 12*F last night when I made a quick run up to NH (25 now)... Just trying to get an idea of what to expect... 10 days and counting...
It does seem like the car pulls a little harder in the cold, and the intake honk is a bit louder too. I like it.
How much more oxygen is in the air per 10 degrees F? Today my STI was pulling like crazy. Peak psi was a little higher too!
I peaked at almost a full bar of boost tonight on the way home. That was awesome. She pulls awesomely.
The turbos love it. the rotary guys i feel sorry for though. as i know how fickle a wankel is until it reaches operational temp. Heat excites atoms and causes them to occupy more volume in space. So there for, the hotter your air is, the thinner it is. Or vice versa, the cooler it is, denser it is. as for the formula: pV = NKBT where p is the pressure, V the volume, N the number of molecules, KB the Boltzmann constant, T the temperature. You can see that, being p kept constant, if T increases, then V increases: if V gets bigger while N remains constant, the (numeric) density of the whole gas ρ = N/V, decreases (and so does the mass density): higher T means smaller ρ, and vice versa. **looks at it* yeah i believe thats the right one. the resident chemical engineer can feel free to chime in if im wrong in my thinking.
Ditto for me. Time for me to get that clutch now that the holidays are over. But when the clutch hangs on, its a wild ride with the colder air. :ddirty: