hey guys, saw a white wagon with some dark wheels in the parking lot right to mcdonalds across from fellinis pizza on howell mill. I took a pic of it on my phone and will upload asap. let me know if it was you. My girl and i stay right at howell mill 2 nights a week and could have a minimeet.
oh really? gtscoob, post up here or pm me, ill come in one night when you are working and hang out. mark
I'm there most nights out of the week. Weekend nights we park across the street. I'll be the tall guy in the kitchen making slices.
ohh i see you go to tech. i am a mechanical engineering major in the regents transfer program to go to tech. I am supposed to transfer after this year, but i withdrew from a calc 2 class that was prereq for calc 3, linear alg and diff eq which i need to transfer, so i am going to southern poly for a semester or two and then tech . (At north ga now) my car is a silver 03 with wheels and i come into that fellinis pretty often on monday/wednesday nights when i stay in atlanta. pm me your cell # and i will call you next time i come down. by the way, my name is mark. later