UFC fans

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by shaolin, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. shaolin

    shaolin Member

    Anyone want to go watch the UFC fight Saturday night at Frankies (Roswell Rd & 285)? The UFC fight this Saturday is live at 3:00, but they are replaying it at 10:00. I spoke with the people at Frankies and they said there will be no cover charge for the replay at 10:00. They will be showing it on the patio. Don't worry, it's covered and heated. The reason that I heard of WRXatlanta was because I saw a sticker on a black wagon parked at Frankies so I figured I would see if anyone wanted to go.
  2. shiftynick

    shiftynick Member

    You can't be off work again?
  3. shaolin

    shaolin Member

    Believe it or not I am. I guess no one else here likes UFC. Oh well, I'm still going.

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