for a new STI. What's been going on around here? Where all all of my old friends? Opey Taylor and Milo?
Welcome back You just missed Milo! He took a job at Texas Instruments and as of two days ago is now in Dallas.
I just read Milo's departure thread. He's a great guy! I'll be hanging around here some now. Looking for a STI now!
ten four good buddy....Opey Taylor here!!!! where the hell you been man.....PM me your # and we'll catch up!!! Good to see you back on the boards!!
Yoooooooooooooooooo what's up Ope? Hey what happened to the new STI? Hatchback??? Oh man I might have to go Evo........Can I say that here?
hey bro it's cool we have a couple evo's on our forum.... Look up some of the new videos on the new STI is pretty sweet.... you still have your black knight?
Sold the STI last Christmas w/ 2500 miles! I got 28 grand for it and only owed 25 on it. I honestly don't like the look of the new STI but I've only seen pics online. What happened to Scott and SOG? Scott is a great dude!
welcome back...if this is the Brian Hollis of Hollis Motorsports, I knew you many years ago (circa 97). I worked at Lazy Days in high school and you took me and my bro out in a 28 (i think) SXT Cat...that was a life changing experience, lol. Cavitating at 60 mph and then hitting ~105 effortlessly....what a ride! hope all is well and, again, welcome back