Suby with PA System?

Discussion in 'General Community' started by welery, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. welery

    welery Member

    From a member on the S2KAtlanta forum? Anyone now the PA Bandit?:rofl:

  2. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    I hope the asshat is not on here if so he should be banned for life..what a tard!
  3. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    There is a member on here with one of the Yellow WRXs that had a PA System in the car during one of our Dyno Days at Topspeed a long time ago. I can't remember who it was.
  4. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    Yeah, but this is blue.
    Ugh, what a douchebag. I mean, if it had been a ricer then I woulda thought it was all funny. But the S2000 is a nice car.
  5. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    F that guy.....Period.
  6. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    I lol'd. The whole tailgating thing is turbo gay though.
  7. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    A yellow car AND a PA system? That is flagrantly annoying...
  8. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    hahaha! The turbo baiting is gay but I wouldn't mind a PA system.

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