Damm, I was just posting up about a decent looking ride and all of a sudden all you people start tearing this apart...jeez louise.... Mark
Just ranting...that's all...just like you do bro...LOL...I am usually not a whiney, but it has been a really crappy day.... Mark
yes this weather sucks bad..now the day is gona drag...plus its all dark outside..makin me sleepy. oh and yes that is a sweet ride!
It's in the 60's here also...Will, are you saying 60's is cold????. Dammm...60's is like t-shirt weather....LOL... Mark
that and I'm sick and I've done 3 whole fucking oil changes today. edit: really, the weather has nothing to do with me. its not like its controllable.
Haha, I don't think I'd ever be able to do yellow unless it was on an exotic...and even then it wouldn't be my first choice... That is a sick car though!
Sorry to ruin your day Will...I am sure it will get better man.. I have had a crappy one myself. I have always liked the blaze yellow or whatever the darker yellow color is on the WRX. We all have bad days and yesterday was one of the worse, plus I found out that my workplace is going to have everyone in our section do Full Lifestyle Polygraphs and that will make things even better if Boeing doesn't win the contract with the gov't. It is hard when your bosses are CIA...they aren't agents though, just in the IC... Mark