Decatur subies

Discussion in 'General Community' started by Scotty B, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. Scotty B

    Scotty B Member

    i head down clairmont from 85 towards decatur everyday going home. noticed quite a few subarus out there lately! i'm in a silver '05 2.5RS.

    - monday saw a very nice dark blue 99-01 2.5RS right behind me before i hit the lavista/clairmont intersection. wanted to give a thumbs up but you turned into someones driveway.

    - tuesday saw a silver (woot) '04-'05 STi heading down clairmont towards north decatur road in front of clairmont campus...gave a weak wave but you probably didn't care/see me anyway. car looked good!

    - also on tuesday when i was on houston mill road going towards emory i passed a dark red bugeye wagon with a very nice sounding exhaust. i also gave a wave, not sure if you waved back because i had to make sure i didn't rear end anyone in traffic :eek4:

    anyway, just your friendly neighborhood subaru owner saying howdy.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2008
  2. SubaruBMXer

    SubaruBMXer Member

    My girlfriend lives in Kirkwood. From time to time you will seem me buzzing around.

    2008 2.5i wagon, silver, tint, bike rack, Georgia Southern tag
  3. redman

    redman Member

    I work right off of flat shoals by 285.
  4. Scotty B

    Scotty B Member

    cool, i'll keep an eye out
  5. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    I'm about around there, and work around midtown.
    08 imp 5 door Dark grey, no mods and tag says my name with 35 on it :cool:
    well around 9:30 am today, i saw a 08 5 door on left side near exon gas station he was going towards 5 points.
    *waved but i was too quick on gas*
  6. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    what color was the 5 door? Was it a 2.5i or a wrx? Might've been me.

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