'07 Legacy spec B VS '08 STI

Discussion in 'General Community' started by Dr.Chris, Feb 22, 2008.


Should I get a 2007 Legacy spec B now or wait on a 2008 STi?

  1. 2007 Legacy spec B

    15 vote(s)
  2. 2008 STi

    14 vote(s)
  1. Dr.Chris

    Dr.Chris Member

    I've been lusting after the new STI since the first proposed image last year. I've never been a fan of the big spoiler of the STI, but otherwise like everything about it. Last year I wanted the STI limited because of the mix of power and laid back appearance. Well, my current car isn't going to last too much longer, so I'm getting close to getting a new car. Do you think I should pull the trigger and get a 2007 Legacy spec B now, or wait 9 months or so to save enough for deposit on the 2008 STI. I currently don't do much racing besides the drag strip once or twice a year, but I'm driving a SRT4, so that is what it's mostly made of. I also have about a 15 mile (30-45minuted) commute 5-6 days a week. What does the wrxatlanta community think?
  2. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    Comfort = LGT
    Performance = STi

    Drive both for at least a half hour, drive them through traffic, see what you think ;)

  3. WJM

    WJM Banned

    You need the Spec B. the 07~08 is total awesomeness.

    The 06 is an overpriced Legacy GT w/ugly interior, NAV and otherwise no exciting options over the LGT.

    At least with the 07~08 you have a 6MT. So...with turbo upgrades and other supporting mods you will be faster than an STi quickly. AND its reliable. No need to worry about breaking 5MT gears or making too much power for the D5AT to handle.
  4. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    I personally enjoy my lgt.....i enjoy having some performance and luxary and it not being too eye catching...in comparison to the sti. this is just my personal preference and that is what its all about! let us know what u decide!...oh and not to mention the price of an 07 spec b vs the 08 sti..i personally feel the 08 sti price is a little steep...
  5. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    I would buy a Spec B over the STI every time..
  6. Berzerklo

    Berzerklo Active Member

    I am not much of a fan of the new STis. Get the Legacy Spec B if you can find one...
  7. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    get the one your really want... and know what you're really getting.

    oh, and drive them both the same day... it might jump right out at you which one you want.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2008
  8. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    SOG has had 2 spec b's sittin for a while...not sure if they r still there though....
  9. schneid

    schneid Member

    man I really wish I had an STI limited...

    the perfect suby if you ask me

    sorry to stray off topic
  10. Dr.Chris

    Dr.Chris Member

    Yes, they are still there, and that is what I'm considering. I'm trying to stick with SOG because Gary has been so patient with me.
    Thanks for the replies!
  11. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    Hmm...interesting. You've been talking about the STi for a long time dude. BUT, the spec B definitely changes up the decision. I agree with Siegel and other who recommended that you go drive them both. Tell Gary you want a test drive! You might be able to swing a sweet deal on the '07 GT and, IMO, the 2008 STi is insanely overpriced. I would not pay 40K for that car...period...and, trust me, I love my STi. BUT, it's not worth 40 grand.
  12. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Personally I love the look of the legacy spec B. It is an elegant car with the same capability to make muscle as the Sti. It effectively has the same engine and transmission in a stylish package with leather seats, nav, all that good stuff. I think it is a bit pricey as well at $31k for something with 17k miles, but it is better than $40k for the new sti....Someone mentioned the Sti Limited...now that is a very nice car as well.
  13. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    The new STi is WAY too costly.

    LGT is definitely the way I'd go, then again I know I'm leaning towards comfort and class in my next ride so, yeah. It's all in the preferance I guess.
  14. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

  15. Dr.Chris

    Dr.Chris Member

    I'm going to test drive the spec B on Tuesday morning. Thanks for the help
  16. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    They are a very nice car. The transmission is about the same, the suspension has been beefed up, the engine can be made to have monster hp just like the sti and I think it is cool to have something a little unique. Plus the 08 hatch back sti just looks like a damn Ford Focus!
  17. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    hm.. what about a legacy STi

  18. Dr.Chris

    Dr.Chris Member

    Legacy STi would be perfect, but I live in the USA. And tomorrow I will test drive the spec b.
  19. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    change your avatar now ! =)
  20. Davidwrx

    Davidwrx Member

    What's up with the cover on the engine on the Legacy? Any funciton with that or does it just make it look pretty?
  21. N2BNLOW

    N2BNLOW Member

  22. Dr.Chris

    Dr.Chris Member

    Test Drive

    Thanks for the link. That is a very nice specB, but I wouldn't feel comfortable buying a car on eBay.
    Well, I test drove the spec B today. What great weather... for a subaru. Could I have picked a better day or what? It took me forever to get there. Anyway...
    The specB was everything that I expected. Very nice ride, comfortable for everyday driving. 10x nicer than my current car, SRT4 (Stop laughing!), but that isn't saying much. Although it was pretty quick, not as much power as I'm use to (273hp/315tq at the wheels). I also noticed a bit of what I imagine is the studder that so many people talk about around the 4k mark. I'm hopefully that the AP will elimante that, and I certainly see that in my future. The seats were more comfortable, but the side bolsters are much smaller that what I have become accustomed to. I'm still curious as to how much closer the 08 STi is to the ride quality of the specB. Maybe Alex's dad will give me a ride ;). The specB certaily would handle my daily driving tasks great, my only concern is if I get into autoX, how well would the specB treat me. I've never really autoX before, but could certaily see getting addicted to it. I guess I would just have to complete with myself more than competing with others.
    So at this point I'm leaning more towards the specB. The biggest factor being price. Even though SOG won't budge on the internet price, it is still about $7,000 less than an 08 STi. I"m not saying it's not worth the money for the STi, but it is not in my current budget. I think I would be happy for 4+ years in the specB and plan on putting enough money down that I will never be upsidedown on payments.
    And I have to give a big :bigthumb: to Gary Sikes at SOG. He has met me in the past from friends buying cars and always remembers me. He is a very no pressure sort of guy and breaks all car salesman stereo types. He has always answered my questions immediately, and I feel would help me out anyway he could. He even offered an extended test drive to help talk my wife into it which I'm hoping to do this weekend.
    So I guess I'll just keep everybody updated on my decision. Thanks for chiming in and helping me out. It's why I'm a supporting member of the wrxatlanta community.
  23. Dr.Chris

    Dr.Chris Member

    Well, it's official. I am now an AWDriving man. I purchased the 2007 spec.B from SOG yesterday. My best car purchasing experience EVER! I better hurry up and start upgrading before my first payment is due ;) Thanks for all of your help wrxatlanta!
  24. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    <--- Jealous...
  25. crashtke

    crashtke Member Supporting Member

    Congrats! Truly a nice car. I looked at that one for my fiance, but the 10k more for the spec b put it out of our price range a bit. I think with the AP and a couple minor mods you will be much faster than your last car and with way more style.
  26. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Congrats to you, I think you made the right choice!
  27. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    Congrats man! Can't wait to check it out.
  28. Eco Auto Clean

    Eco Auto Clean Active Member

    I am glad you are happy with the choice you made as I am happy for you as well! =) Keep us updated on your future mods!
  29. FRCFED4

    FRCFED4 Member

    not a fan of the new STi's so i'd say legacy for right now. unless u can pick up an older one, love mine way too much
  30. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    I had a chance to check out Chris' spec.B in person today and it is beautiful. Post up some pictures man!!

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