I just hooked up my AccessPort today to check my boost gauge see if it was reading right and my AP wont turn on at all is there something I can do or does Cobb have some kind of warranty so that I can have them fix it. Also I'm getting tuned next week if I cant fix this within that time frame would that be a problem do they need the actual AP to tune my car?
if it wont turn on then the only thing you can do, is call cobb. like nsvwrx said, really friendly people! and they can help you and guide you if there isnt anything wrong with it. good luck...
Well Cobb wants me to send them my AP to test it and thats gonna take a while so I ask again do you need the AP for when you get tuned cause I'm heading up to TopSpeed on Wednesday
Yup, sure do.. I would swap cables with someone just to eliminate that option, otherwise you'll have to cancel your tune and reschedule.