Exchange a 2004 console for a 2005?

Discussion in 'Latest Spin Forum Archive' started by Merc, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. Merc

    Merc New Member

    I would like to put a 2005 console in my 2004.

    Specifically, I want to exchange just from the bottom of the stick back to the arm rest.

    Right up I know that the parking brake is going to be an issue but not sure how much work would be involved here.

    Any thoughts?
  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    hmmm.... seems like too much trouble for me.... but im interested in seeing how that turns out
  3. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    Save the money and use it for a down payment. Trade in your car for an 06, better interior, better engine. Or, do this, I would be interested in seeing the results as well :bigthumb:
  4. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    You can do a complete swap but you have to use the 2.5rs interior as the 05 wrx's have climate control and use different dials. As far as I know it is bolt up.
  5. Merc

    Merc New Member

    The Console Project

    Cool..thanks for the feedback. I love to tinker so I'll let you all know how it turns out.


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