TO: GLR-- MAR-- NWR-- SCR-- SDC-- SWR Dealers FROM: Subaru of America, Inc. DEPARTMENT: Service DATE: 04/07/2008 Legacy vehicles have been added to the Stop Sale We regret to inform you that we must place an immediate stop sale order on all of the 2008/2009 Subaru Impreza, Forester and Legacy vehicles equipped with a 2.5L Turbo Engine produced with the beginning chassis number and later as shown below. Model Body Type Chassis Number Production Date Forester Wagon 701045 or later 2008/01/08 or later Legacy 2.5GT-LTD 222825 or later 2008/02/04 or later 2.5GT-B 222958 or later 2008/02/04 or later OBK 2.5XT-LTD 353835 or later 2008/02/01 or later Impreza Sedan 523363 or later 2008/01/08 or later Wagon 825183 or later 2008/01/08 or later The reason for this immediate Quality Assurance action is that there have been several reports of “Engine Knocking Noise” from other markets on vehicles produced after the production dates listed. Initial investigation confirms an internal wear issue on the failed units. In the interest of preventing any possibility of failures for our customers, we have chosen to isolate any potentially affected vehicles by ceasing sales of the potentially affected units until the root cause and correction can be identified. All the other displacement engines and the 2.5L Natural Aspirated Engine are excluded from this action. Your region/distributor will be contacting you with a detailed list of affected vehicles assigned to your dealership. However, dealer trades cannot be tracked so please be aware of the affected VIN range. If you have a vehicle in inventory that falls into the affected vehicle range, please ensure that your sales and service staff are immediately notified that the unit is un-saleable until further notice from SOA or your region/distributor. If any of those vehicles has an unusual engine noise, please notify the SOA Technical Helpline immediately with all of the details and submit an E-QMR. Should a customer bring an affected vehicle into your service department for an unusual engine noise, please immediately arrange that they are given the use of a clean SSLP vehicle and notify the Technical Helpline and submit an E-QMR. You will be contacted shortly thereafter on how to proceed. ---------------- So, thoughts?
Looks I just eeked out ok. I believe my car was produced sometime last summer. Phew. That's good of them to catch it like that, though.
For the record, I just found out about this today when I was reading NASIOC....I dont know any other details yet. I will post up as soon as I know more.
Ok everyone, BE AWARE that this copy of the bulletin is INCORRECT and FALSE. The one in the OP is 100% correct and exactly the same as whats posted officially by SOA. This FALSE bulletin originated from our 'great friends' over on IWSTI.
Well...looks like its a bad batch of piston rings. I dunno which is worse, bad rings or bad bearings. Both suck.
SUBARU is updating the info thats posted, the guys at Corporate dont know any specifics yet. FUJI is still investigating. However, it looks like the Legacy line is affected as well, however that is VERY unofficial. I'll post more as i get the info.
It's not a safety issue and subaru is handling it very professionally so I doubt it'll become too much of a mess. They can't necessarily help that one of their suppliers shipped them a bad batch of products. Shit happens. *shrug*
its already a super retarded media circus over on iwsti and nasioc. Since its a non-safety related issue, i doubt it'll even be on the 6/12/11 news. Atleast they stopped the sales, they could have let it go and let the individual warranty companies pay up. That would have eventually turned into a huge fiasco.