you know how i feel 365 days a year here in Guam! stay cool, drink some sweet tea ya'll! ShaneSTi
oh really? some lady i'm working buisness with says its hot there. she lied to me. well i figure in August the humidity and heat will come. quick question for ya' father is keeping my STi until i get back. well he's asking what weight oil to use on the STi? he uses Mobil 1 synthetic 20/50 on his 930 turbo. suggestions would be appreciated...thanks!
its pretty damn hot here when you are outside working for 6-7 hours, and lets not start with the UV rays and how they are slowly killing me.
dude i kid u in Guam were pretty much on the equator. the UV rays here are like nothing i've ever seen. i can get a sunburn within 15-20 min's here if i'm not careful. not to mention its 100% humidity here year round with 90+ temps in the day. i've been to hawaii and i can say Guam is hotter than hawaii. when we PT at 0700 three times a week...running 3+ miles is a beyotch to do here.
I went to Guam when i was a kid. It's a beautiful place tho. I wich i can go back there. To asnwer your Q about oil, I used to use Mobil1 5w-30 before and burnt about 1-1.5 qt during 3K miles driving. NOW, i switch to Castrol syntec 5w-30. I only added about half qt so far during 2k miles. There is no difference of smoothness between two oils. Many people say that M1 5w-30 is on thinner side compare to all other sythetic oil. I tried M1 10w-30 once, but still burnt the similar amount. Give a try of Castrol!!