Hey guys, i saw the thread in the newbies section and there were alot of you who went to GT. I want to go there next fall for mechanical engineering (or automotive engineering if they have a course like that). How hard is it to get in as far as grade requirements and SAT scores and everything?? Right now i am going to Universal Technical Institute which is an automotive school (you've prolly seen the ads on Speed Channel). Would GT recognize grades from prior education such as UTI in my case?? Hopefully they will, because i have a 4.0 and perfect attendance. As far as high school tho, i had somewhere between a 3.0 and 3.5 (cant remember off hand) and SAT score of 1210 (they will prolly require me to take the new SAT with the written portion). Anyway i just wanted to hear some feedback from those of you who go there and if you enjoy it and if it would be super difficult for me to get in. Any input would be great, thanks!!!
not sure about how hard it is to get in... its been a WHILE since i applied here... ive been at tech since 98 and its kept me busy ever since... 2005 has been the first year that ive actually had free weekends... but i love tech regardless
Tech is really snobby when it comes to accepting credits. I've heard that they make the course numbers such it's hard for people to transfer in. My co-worker spent three years at tech and is now at southern poly, but tech won't accept her credits from southern poly even though it's an ABET school. I started in '99, but i can't gage how selective they were since only one other person from my high school applied to tech and he had similar grades as me. Be prepared though, tech gave me a stomach ulcer! As long as you pace yourself with your major classes, you can make it through.
"Tech is really snobby when it comes to accepting credits." Yeah ive heard that too! but i dont really need any credits to transfer, I'm kinda like getting a fresh start i guess you would say. I was just hoping they would look at my UTI grades and everything in addition to my high school grades. Also, just out of curiousity, how much roughly does tuition for 1 year cost with books and living and everything.
Tech has one of the strongest Alumni organizations in the country. They host job fairs for students and alumni, have several chapters for networking, etc. The education is what you make of it... UGA grads are all cow tippers! 8)
Don't forget parking is gonna cost you an arm, a leg and your soul as well. My last year at tech, my parking permit cost me $500! Wow tution is way up! Tech cost me in 03 about $7000 per semester (out of state)!
That sounds good, ME is really what i wanna do, so i dont wanna go to some mediocre school Tech seems to be one of the best. Hopefully money wont be an issue. Did all of you guys work while you were in school, or is there too much school work??
It really depends how many classes you are planning on taking. I don't know about ME but for ChE, when the 3000 (third year) classes started rolling around, it gets really tough to take more than 15 hours. I used to work as a undergrad researcher, which is actually a decent thing to do at tech. I learned more specialized material and got to interact with faculty. Most importantly i got to work whenever i wanted. If you can find a job like that it's easy to work around the courseload. But ideally i wouldn't have worked if didn't need the money.
Dont expect a lot of credits from them when you come in. As for SAT's and stuff, I know people here with 1180s and people with 1500+. In reality you're transferring so they'll probably care more about your current grades than your old SAT scores. I don't know for sure though. You can get a part time job if you pick your schedule right (mostly MWF or TTh classes) but your first year that's tough because you're the bottom of the food chain for registration (unless you develop ADD really fast).
Im not expecting any credits to transfer, this will be a new start. But now that i have all the automotive knowledge i can hopefully use it later after i get a degree in engineering to maybe be an engineer in the automotive field. So they will look at my UTI grades more than SAT/highschool grades?? That would be sweet cause my UTI grades are awesome. Another Question-when should i start the application process?? Ill be done here in 9 weeks (sept 16) and i plan on working for a while and then starting in the fall of 2006. And do you guys stay on campus or commute??? And how is the campus life if you live on campus, or if you dont how is the commute???
I would try and apply for Spring 2006, but i don't think it's ever too early to apply at this point. I'd call the office of admissions and talk to them though. Transfers aren't subject to all of the same entrance restrictions as new comers. Check out the ME course catalog online to see what automotive classes are offered. I know someone who took an internal combustion engines class, which sounded pretty sweet.
Dude, that would be sweet if there was an automotive branch of ME. Thats kinda what i was hoping for coming out of an auto school!! Ill be sure to check that out. Thanks everyone for all the info too, it was very very helpful!!
tech is very hard to get in i know they upped the sat and i wanna say the average is like a 1300 now. Plus an A+ hs average maybee a 3.5? A lot of people go to southern poly and eitehr transfer to tech or just grad there and get a very similar degree.
Yeah ill have to retake the SAT for sure, and score higher. Im hoping that the NTI 4.0 average will compensate for my HS GPA thats prolly a tad lower than 3.5.
yea...tech is a great school though. The sat changed from what i understand its out of like 2400 point now or something like that and has an SA portion? if so that really sux.
But was that 1410 out of 2400? 8P I had so-so grades and 1210? SAT, but I was the shiznit so got in anyway. BTW, don't co-op unless you want to go to Tech for the next 8 years...
Keep in mind that getting in is the relatively easy part, it's STAYING in that is hardest. Part of the reason they are snobby about accepting transfer credits is that they use certain core classes like Calc and E-mag to weed out non-hackers. While being smart helps, it's not a matter of intelligence but of working your tail off at Tech that counts most. I've seen some really smart peeps fail or drop out, and some more average ones do very well.
Very true. My best friend from high school failed e-mag 3 times before going to uga to finish his degree. I was so scared going into that class I worked my ass off and passed it 1st time. My big hurdle was statistics. Urgh.
right now my research is based on statistics... definitely fun stuff also i believe craig's score is 1410/1600... the third section gets an independent score
I got on the GT website last night, does anyone know how to order a course catalog, the site is a little confusing.
It's not a perfect solution, but this might help until Milo can get you an actual catalog. Go to oscar.gatech.edu and click on "schedule of classes" then select "Fall 2005". From there you get a lot of options, but under Subject go to "Mechanical Engineering" and all the way to the bottom and click "Class Search". This will display all ME classes for the Fall of 2005. You can do the same for other majors and semesters. It'll give you a taste of the options before you get your hands on the catalog.
That was helpful Skull, i appreciate it. Looks like there are some pretty interesting classes. If i do get in ill have to find out which teachers are good and which ones suck.
Thanks guys. Althought I did take a Kaplan class to help with that score a little bit. And I took it before the new section was added, so yes it was a 1410/1600. Craig p.s. I know a couple people with gpa's like 3.5 and 1280 SAT's that got waitlisted and then accepted at the end of May.
Just so you know, there's also a place to see teachers' course critiques from students (grade distribution, comments, etc). Let me know if you're interested in that too.