Hit and Run in Kennesaw.

Discussion in 'General Community' started by seanwrxwagon, May 2, 2008.

  1. seanwrxwagon

    seanwrxwagon Member

    After pining for my car for over a month, my day of jubilee was cut short by some jackass blowing through my right of way and then running from the consiquences. My car has been at Topspeed for the last five weeks getting a STi short block put in. I picked it up this morning and was driving to my work to show it off. At the corner of Old 41 and N. Roberts a hoopty caprice pulled out as I was turning and hit me in the drivers side rear door. His bumper scraped along hitting my wheel. It was not a hard hit but I knew there was going to be some damage. I pulled into the Auto Zone and looked up to see him gun it through a yellow light heading south on 41. I decided to give chase and cut through an office park to try and get ahead of him but I did not find him. I called the police and made a report.
    I am hoping they find him or I will have to use my insurance to cover it. The car is still drivable but this sucks. I was shaking I was so mad.
  2. J_P

    J_P I like pudding pops Supporting Member

    That is absolutely horrible. I hope they catch the bastard!
  3. seanwrxwagon

    seanwrxwagon Member

    I just got off the phone with my state farm agent. There is a $250 deductable for uninsured motorist. I hope the police can track the guy down or I'm out $250 for his mistake. Plus I will have to live without my car for more time for the body work.
  4. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Holy bummer. I'm sorry to here it man. I hope they catch the asshole for you.
  5. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    yeah i had that same thing just about happen to me. some piece of shit hoopty rear ended me pulling in SPSU, then just as i turn into the parking lot i see him hauling ass off. It sucks, but most likely the police will do nothing, thats what happened with mine. Some people drive me crazy.

    JEFFSTI Member

    man that sucks. i hate it for ya man.
  7. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    That is despicable....Unfortunaly there are plenty of vermin in our society out there with nothing to loose. They drive illegally without a valid license, insurance and probably have warrants (most likely why they ran).

    I feel ya in getting pissed I have a bad temper especially getting hit.
    Might be good you didn’t catch up with them. I am guessing someone who hits and runs is probably just as willing to shoot and run.

    The one really good thing is that you did not get totaled out. It is more cosmetic than structural. That is a blessing. Get it fixed god speed! I bet it's running nice as hell!:bigthumb:
    Last edited: May 3, 2008
  8. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    I feel your madness. Just had the same situation happen Monday.... Get the car back running perfect and looking great then BAM!

  9. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    ^^^ What?
  10. seanwrxwagon

    seanwrxwagon Member

    I feel bad I didn't catch him since it was a hoopty. I'm running 8 pounds of boost and trying to keep my rev's down for a little break in period. I will be heading back to TopSpeed at six hundred miles for a proper dyno tune. He gunned it through the light and had plenty of time to turn down a side street before I could get ahead of his path.
    The cops told me the driver most likely had no license, a supended license, no insurance or warrants for his arrest. Either way all I was hoping to do was to get a plate number and a better description of the car and driver. I'm not about to confront someone with obviously nothing to lose from running from the cops.
  11. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    What!? You're kidding!
  12. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Since you are in Kennesaw, drop by ArtCraft for an estimate. See how much in total it would b e to fix in relation to your $250 deductible, etc.
  13. SUBY_RUE

    SUBY_RUE Member

    when I used to drive a tow truck, I had a lady do that to me. She slams into the back of my truck, backs up, pulls up next to me and starts screaming at me saying " I dont have time for this sh*t, I gotz to go pick my kidz up and go to work" And she drives away. People are stupid.
  14. bluetwo

    bluetwo Active Member

    well dude, the bastard is still out there somewhere and I doubt that he has fixed the damage.

    If it was me I would find him, even if I had to hire somebody who would actually look for him. The police aren't going to find him but if you could do it on your own you could tell the police you identified the guy and then they have to look into it.

    I can't tell you exactly what I would do once I found him because it would be extremely illegal.
  15. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    yeah mine is not as bad as Sean's... And yeah go to artcraft I have head great things about them!
  16. SUBY_RUE

    SUBY_RUE Member

    Depinding on the damage, lets see. You said they hit your wheel so... that probaly means thay also hit your quarter and as you said they hit your door so...

    WHEEL REPAIR = r/i 0.50hr $20
    repair wheel = $125

    QUARTE PANEL REPAIR = (depinding on how bad the damage is) 4.0hrs@$40.00hr

    DOOR REPAIR = (deipnding if they can fix the damage or if they replace the door skin)
    REPAIR DOOR = 8.0hrs@$40.00hr

    PAINT/PAINT TIME = 4hrs@$38.00hr + materials. est $200ish

    This is including therre is no new parts needed or internal structure damage.

    + 25% markup = $1221.25

    By the way I work for a body shop if you couldnt tell...lol
  17. seanwrxwagon

    seanwrxwagon Member

    Where is artcraft located? I am hurting for money from the shortblock so I will have to wait until my semester is over and I work for a while before I can comfortably swing the deductable. As far as finding the guy, everyone I know here in Kennesaw and Marietta is getting a description of the car. It was an 80's model caprice, white with oxidation in the paint. He hit me with the front drivers side of his big chrome bumper. I'm hoping for some white and black paint transfer onto the bumper. So if any body see's this car let me know.
  18. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    i hope everything work out for ya man, that sucks...
  19. seanwrxwagon

    seanwrxwagon Member

  20. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    Dammit dude! sorry to hear bout that

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