So after three days of 4 hours or less sleep Dan qualified, we are at the track now. If you guys see this before you leave please cheer as loud as you can it makes an impression on the judges. I heard some of you yesterday as we were riding back to the pits on the truck, it really means a lot to have your support. Matt
REALLY HAPPY FOR BATLGROUND....def good to see one of our fav. local shops in big scene. Once again congrats :banana::bigthumb:
Well we didn't make top16. It wasn't a very good showing on our part. There just wasn't enough grip...looks like we need to do some more testing.
This isn't still the old silver/gray s14 that used to drive at turner field a couple years ago is it? I remember going to a couple of those events by seda I think and the batleground car was always one of my favorites.