long time no hear. what did i miss? actually, i've been lurking still on here. as some of you know, i sold my 05 STi last year, and bought an 03 cobra mustang. now, i miss the crap out of my STi, and I am selling my cobra now. therefore, once i sell my cobra i will be looking for an 06'+w/ mild mods. i love the 470+whp, but there is something i miss about the STi...perhaps the AWD? well, i hope everyone is doing good! -Shane
lol...I went through my mustang phase a while back (not as badazz as yours) but when all was said and done my true loyalties lay with the suby.
yeah i mean the cobra has CRAZY power, but just doesn't handle like the STi did. i miss the boxer rumble, the AWD takeoffs, etc. plus, my wife keeps yelling me about how the cobra chugs on the gas. the sti is like a hybrid car when compared against the cobra.
c'mon by bro! i was at the dyno weekend thing at summit 2 weekends ago. i didn't dyno, but saw a few crazy muscle cars take the dyno. give me a call. if you lost my cell #...PM me!!!