Im not sure if this is the right section for this but whatever. Ok, I really didn't really notice when this happened since I rarely use my a/c. Anyways, number 1, 2, 3 on the speed does not work! 4 does. Im currently having over heating problems, I already changed the thermostat and drained my coolant and added new one but still nothing. It helped alittle but it still over heats when pushed. Could this have something to do with it? My car has 27k miles. I really don't want to deal with sog again, but if it needs to be fixed I guess I have no choice. As for my over heating. What could be the problem? Do I need a tune asap? I am hitting around 20-23psi sometimes, which I know is alittle too high for an IHI turbo. I have a friend that has a simlier problem, and says that cause we're hitting such high boost levels that it's just boiling the coolant. He drives an STi. It gets me pissed always having to keep an eye on my temp. gauge, my neck is starting to hurt lol seriously! All kind of responses are welcome, thanks in advance!
First, sounds like the blower resistor has failed. That should be covered under the 3/36 bumper to bumper warranty. As for the have a VF34. That voids any powertrain warranty. Are you serious that its UN TUNED????????????????????????????????????????????????? So far it sounds like its blown headgaskets. I'm going to stop with that.
Ok, im going to stop by sog tomorrow and see what they say. Thats fine, warranty is full of shit anyways. Even if I was stock, they wouldn't cover anything that they think was either abused or whatever, I have storys and proof so I don't care. Yea, im really not doing so hot when it comes to money so I just haven't had the time nor money, I know it has to be done but right now I just can't afford it. I already made up my mind that as soon as I have enough, this slobaru is getting tuned. As for the blown headgaskets, how do you know for certain that I have this issue? More information would help a lot. Price, parts, ect. Thanks for replying.
check your coolant levels. low coolant in the radiator can cause overheating and a/c issues. if the coolant is low you probably have a leak somewhere wich could be from a blown headgasket as wjm stated above or it could be something different. it would be best to take it in and have it looked at and also get it tuned asap
Sunday I drained the coolant and changed my thermostat and I didn't see any leaks or anything. My coolant level is fine, from what I can tell. I have an almost brand new radiator since I got it replaced last year cause of an accident so I know that can't be it. Earlier I also found out that the red silicon part on my y-pipe had a small cut which is causing a pretty bad boost leak. So im going to stop by sog and see if I can purchase a new one. While im there I will ask if they can have a look at it, if it's free that is lol.
If you changed your coolant there's a good chance it still needs to have the air purged from the coolant system also. Even regular driving can cause overheating if there's air in the system.
It's nice to have one of those nice burping funnels for coolant. Hopefully it's just air in the system.
Well I woke up alittle too late. And don't have time to have my car checked out, I guess I'll have to stop by tomorrow afternoon or friday morning. Damn my lazyness!!1 I hope so too. Umm kinda weird seeing you over here, lol hey! ... solution? :hs:
You said it was burning coolant? So you see white smoke out the exhaust and smell a sweet smell? If so your engine is toast and needs to be yanked and inspected....the engine itself may be fine but it has to be pulled to have the headgaskets replaced. Did you see any oil in the coolant? Have you changed your oil to check for coolant in the oil? One way that will indicate blown headgasket (but not ALWAYS) is to open the coolant cap on the resivoir next to the intake manifold and see if you can see tiny bubbles making their way up. Also king is kingwrx who works at Classic Subaru not too far from you.
I didn't say it was burning coolant. The exhaust fumes are normal and it doesn't smell sweet or anywhere near like coolant. No oil in my coolant, all though it was kinda dirty. No I haven't checked my oil, should I? I could do it now if it would answer some questions. The resivoir is the plastic container? Or are you talking about the one that connects to the radiator? Oh, lol. I'll shoot him a pm, thanks.
You did say it was burning....see the quote Changing the oil couldn't hurt to find out. If it comes out milky looking or with some milky substance then yeah you have a HG leak. Yes the resevoir is the plastic thing attached to your intake manifold. Obviously let the car cool and open the cap and turn the car on and look for bubbles. If see bubbles (not sloshing as that's simply the water flowing, look for minature bubbles) you have a blown HG most likely. Leak down test will tell you everything though.
Hahaha I was being sarcastic, notice the thumbsdown. I kinda felt like the dude was being a smartass. But no, I am not burning coolant. Thanks man, I really appreciate it. I will have a look at it as soon as I can for sure.
Gotcha...the thumbs down isn't a sarcastic indicator haha. He was actually trying to help you as that was a very valid question that he was asking.
Im still a noob on wrxatlanta, not alot of people know that im mr. sarcasm aka mr. asshole yet. lol The reason why I thought he was being a smartass was cause of the "rofl" smilie. Oops.
Are you running a manual boost controller to get 20-23 psi or is that what a vf34 makes when untuned?
You can check your oil fill cap to see if there is a white residue, that is an indicator of head gasket failure. Also you can see if your radiator is fubared. I had a similar problem a while back and the point where the aluminum and the plastic join on the radiator started to separate. I didn't smell that much coolant either.
No white residue on the cap. I don't think my radiator is broken, like i said a few posts back. It's almost brand new. I'll have to go back and check every hose and make sure everything is fine. If I can't find anything then I will have it looked at over at sog. The car hasn't over heated in two days. I put some water and it's been fine so far. Nope, I usually hit around 19-20psi and sometimes hit 22-23psi. 1st gear I usually hit around 18 2nd gear hits around 19-20 3rd gears the same 4th and 5th are the ones that go up to 20-23psi. Of course, that doesn't happen often. But it has...
What is the best procedure for burping the coolant system on a suby? That sounds like it could be an issue if he changed the coolant and then did not burp it. I have not done a coolant change on mine. I had it drained when my friend did the timing belt on it.
fill it best as possible, turn heat on, run it a bit to get the thermostat to open, fill it some more. squeeze the radiator hoses to try and draw it through the block, rinse and repeat. it takes a little while so stick with it. shoot for 2 gallons in there and you'll be fine
Dont turn the heat on, it'll take longer to heat up. subarus dont have heater core valves like jeeps and other american crap.