I have a 6-channel Infinity amp hooked up straight to the battery, and I also have a Vishnu Underdrive Pulley kit. My battery keeps dying and Classic Subaru said that because I have an amp hooked up to the battery, my warranty on the battery is voided so they won't replace it. I think that it could be due to the pulley that the battery keeps on dying. What do you guys think? What should I do? Also, could anyone help me put the stock pulley back in? I would pay you too, but I am just not smart enough with cars to mess with this. The original owner put the pulley kit in.
do your lights dim as well.....especially when you systems knockin?.......i don't know much about underdrive pulleys but i did read somewhere that those were the possible side effects from running underdrive.....maybe a deepcell optima battery and a ground kit might be your solution?
Yeah, the lights do flicker, but only when I have my system on. I have a grounding kit as well. What should I do? Replace the battery or take out the pulley? Would SOG "overlook" the amp and replace the battery? Or would they replace the pulley for a good price? I need to get this taken care of before I go on my road trip next week, along with new tires and an oil change. So any help would be MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH appreciated.
pulley will affect the battery charging... with a hungry amp, i'd recommend u drop the pulley especially if its smaller in size than the stocker... to get rid of the flicker, get a capacitor
Topspeed said $70. Is that a good price? The guy in the service department of SOG had no clue what I was talking about.
You shouldn't have to get a stock pulley, Get the Perrin Pulley, it is lightened, but not underdriven. Should not cause any problems with your battery or Amp.
I would rather just get the stock pulley put back in. Any other places that I could get the stock pulley put back in for less than $70?
Is it $70 for the pulley itself, or $70 for the Pulley and install, or $70 for just the install. If they are charging your for the labor, just get the pulley and I am sure someone here can help you install it. I have read that the Pulley is extremely easy to install.
I have the stock pulley. The previous owner had put the Vishnu pulley in the car, but gave me all of the stock parts, including the stock pulley, when I bought the car. IT's $70 just for the labor. If someone could help me, that would be awesome.
if u want, i will be up at sog monday afternoon, if u have the tools, i can help. it cant be harder that changing the sparkplugs or fuel pump
actualy its very easy if you have the right tools. i used a breaker bar and a 4 foot piece of pipe that fits over the end of the breaker bar as an extention. now the next step is a lil hairy but it works if done right. with 2 people holding the pipe ext. you turn the car over it will bog then loosen the bolt. it took me about 4 turn overs to get the bolt loose. ***do not fully start the car! ***every thing else is easy as pie. release both tention pulleys, pull belts, pull cranke pulley, put on the new one. when tighting the bolt put car in fifth and press the brake til it gets stiff. i also had my ebrake on cause i was on a hill when i did mine, dont really know if that mattered. have someone torque it to spec while hold the brake. i personaly dont have the tools cause i did it at a friends house. when did you want to do this? i imight be able to get the tools or at least that pipe ext.if ya need help. also youll need the stock size belts when moving back to stock size.
SOG on Monday sounds good. Is there a place there that we could do this? Whoever helps can have the pulley. It's a $150 part or something like that, and there isn't anything wrong with it. The only reason I need it off is because you aren't supposed to be using this pulley with an amp and sub. How long would it take? Whoever can help, that would be awesome. Thanks so much guys.
That would be awesome. I am open just about any time except when I have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-9PM and I leave this Friday morning for a road trip. Where would be a good place and when would be a good time? So I take that this isn't a hard thing to do? I've never really done this before.
Thanks again for helping me with the install! I definately have the mod bug after riding in the STI. Damn, that thing is quick! Too bad I lost the underdrive pulley, but I think it's for the best. Thanks so much!
I have the Perrin Pulley on mine and the battery is still okay a year later. I have an amp and a sub as well. Just thought I add that to the mix.