Since I can't post in the Site News area, I will have to ask the question here. On many other forums I visit, there is a button next to the thread so you can just look at posts in that thread since your last visit. Can I set that up here too? Today I can just see the threads that have been updated but you still have to comb through to see where the newest posts are?
upper left hand corner above the thread starters name there is a button that says "View First Unread" or just click the image that looks like this next to it or after clicking New Posts under the Last Post column there is an image that looks like this next to the persons name that last posted in the thread. click it and it will take you to the last post.
The option is not under the Classic theme. I use the Darkness theme. The NEW POSTS option is on the menu bar
it is on the classic theme... right above where you change the theme style in the upper right hand corner.
"Today I can just see the threads that have been updated but you still have to comb through to see where the newest posts are?" new posts means it shows what threads have been updated. what he wants is Just the new posts added to that thread.
on the new posts search page you have all the threads that have been updated. if you click the next to the thread title it will take you into that thread and to the newest post since you've been in that thread. hope this helps.
Thats exactly what I needed. I always thought that was some sort of little check mark, not a down arrow. Good, now I can waste less time re-reading old posts! Thanks guys.