Alright, so I'm going to be changing my headgaskets and one of my friends'. I have the parts, just not the tools to do it. WHO WANTS TO HELP :naughty:
yes, definitely let some pros handle this's quite a task and can take a few hours, if not all day for even the best (king/WJM) to take care of.....
Good time to do cams, valves, valvesprings, cams, pistons, rods, bearings, high comp headgasket. You know the regular maintenance things....
hahaha. And honestly, I don't think it is the headgasket, but since the car's coming up on 200k with the stock headgaskets, and I got a set for like $50 shipped, I figured what the hell, right? Tray, how much is this gonna set me back?