Ok, poll and discussion shake down like this: Tues 7/26: People have expressed interest in going to Trivia at Sidelines. Trivia starts 8:30/9pm. Please be there by 8pm to get a table since Kali said it's a popular thing. no on has officially confirmed going yet but there's been several talking about it. Wed 7/27: Meet at Frankie's at 7:30. This is the event that won the poll so expect a lot of people to be there. :wiggle: :wavey:
i say thurs. i hope kali doesnt mind goin to her place of work on her day off. i love the sidelines by my house. mmmm prime rib sandwich.
not too good... but hey, i gotta eat right ... im supposed to study with this real smart kid... since he's helping me out, i gotta work around his schedule
i definatly would love to go but unfortunatly i have to go out of town till friday. Will definatly come out though next week.
If we go to Frankies, we need to hook Amol up with the Cute hostess. But I would definitely be down for a Tuesday night at Sidelines, Wednesday night at Frankies thing. I don't work Wednesday so Tuesday I can have a nice evening of drinking.
If some one else wants to go to both the tues and wed night events, regardless of which wins, i'm up for that. Just post in this thread so i know though.
I am so down for that! I have NOTHING to do this week. Kali, what time should we be there for trivia if we go tomorow?
I'm game for Wednesday. I'm possibly taking a friend to the airport that day, so I should be in Atlanta. Never met any of you guys so it should be cool.
I maybe me able to make it Wed. Practicing the other nights. So if i don't see you guys & gals on Wed I'll see ya on the 4th. -drums
Guess the Wednesday night meet won. Works for me. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone could give easy directions to get to this place for a non-local like me.
like jason said, u can simply mapquest directions... its on the right side, less than a mile south of the roswell road exit on 285
Coffee (sorry, i know I've met you like 9 times by now but i'm terrible with names), you still want to go to Trivia tonight? If so, I'm down. Trying to find out what time it begins and I'll PM you with the time. If anyone else wants to join let me know and i'll add you as well. No Milo, i'm not done studying for finals. But my number of finals has been cut in half in the last 48 hours :wiggle:
Edited first post with what I have heard from people. So far I haven't heard anyone confirm whether or not they're going tonight to trivia, but there have been some people who expressed interest. THE BIG MEET WILL BE WED 7/27 AT FRANKIE'S. Start time is 7:30 as usual.
Hey it's ok, i forgot your name too. Yea i still want to go out tonight too. If you want to give me a call on my cell (740-815-9054) or PM me we can decide where to meet, times, etc. Ask for will I get off work at 5pm and should be home by 5:40 (yea i know, hammond to mt vernon at 5pm sucks). Anyone else who wants to come out tonight (not the real group meet) feel free to give me a call or PM. until then :wavey:
For everyone looking to go TONIGHT, try to get to sidelines by 8pm. I've never been there so I don't know how parking will shape up. If you get there first, just do what we usually do, drive around and look for an area of open spots and park and let other people find you.
Glad to see all of you tonight at Sidelines! Sorry I had to bail early, let me know if the amount i left was sufficient... Kali, it was very nice meeting you finally and i'm looking forward to seeing you at future meets. Can't wait to see everyone else Wed at Frankie's!!!
i wish i could make it, unfortunately i'm leaving thursday for my best friend's wedding. Also my friend got kicked out of his condo in atlantic station (due to the fire), so on top of packing i got to clean up my house so he can stay here. I still owe Amol a pitcher, so i guess i'll have to make it next week!
I had fun last night and i'm looking forward to tonight. It was nice meeting you Kali. Hope you all get the AC fixed soon.
285 to roswell rd exit. go south anout 3/4 of a mile on the right. or mapquest the address in the poll if you exact milages
i just called the other alex and told him that we were coming so he is expecting us. please try your hardest to get there at 7:30, they arent big fans of seating half groups but if you must be late you wont be in any trouble. his section is in the back so if you get there late just come that direction. Alex/WRX-WRC
After all of this and bugging Milo about not going, I don't think I'm going to make it tonight. Unlike last week where I procrastinated to go, I just can't do it again after going out last night :wtc: Be thinking about where to go next week and send me ideas. I'll post a poll next sat/sun.
Sounds good. I reset my ECU the other day so my ignition advance multiplier is not all the way up, but it's close. I need a boost gauge so i can do the vishnu trick....