well me and impreza jr were driving down maple street and in what used to be golds gym parking lot was a brand new dodge challenger so i quickly turned around took some pics and a video and i cant ever get pics 2 post on here so if someone wants ill send them to there email and they can post them i know it had 19 or 20s on it with giant rotors with red brembos it was a orange with a black stripe down the middle and a mike patton dealer tag if i remember correctly any of u other carrollton guys see it?
Palmer Dodge on Hwy.9 in Alpharetta has one on the lot, next to the Vipers... I think its pretty damn sweet...
pics sent i apologize in advance for 1 of the photos i was trying to switch to video mode on my cell and it snapped a pic of the car and my finger tip is kinda in the way
My thoughts exactly. I'm more curious how a WRX with boltons will also do against those (both the Challenger and PD spec Charger) just for shits and giggles though. The new Challengers look great but again I feel somewhat gipped since its an almost direct copy of a 40 yr old car a la the new Mustangs and soon to be released Camaros. American manufacturers need to get some fresh ideas if they want to keep selling cars instead of rehashing great looking classics. Take a look at VW and BMW, they havent strayed too far from the look of their cars in the last 30 yrs but they still look fresh and are easily identifiable as a VW or BMW. Here's a nice lineup of the last 5 generations of GTIs for example, I believe the first gen came out in the late 70s or early 80s.
Those stripes are not black, it's unpainted carbon. 5 speed auto this year, 6 speed manual next year from what I heard. Don't know abou the diff though. I'd like to see the challenger/Camaro/Mustang shootout. Not that I would buy any of them, it willl just be entertaining.
ok well u know whats funny we were working on my car and took a break and saw it drive into my neighborhood and it lives 1 street down from me and now ive seen it at least 15 times
Eh.... I still like my 1967 Barracuda Fastback. Never was much for the E-body Cuda/Challenger A-Body All the way!!!!!
I'm going to respectfully disagree on this one. The only real difference I see between VW and BMW and the new Mustangs is that the Mustangs went through a slew of less impressive body styles in between the past and present. While a 67-68 fastback and a a 08 Mustang have a lot of the same styling cues, side by side there is absolutely no doubt that they are completely different cars. Or at least that's my .02. (Slinks back off into his shadowy, non forum participating, study abroad world )
Same as VW, they have evolved in to more 'modern' looking cars. I dont see a diff between what wv does or what bmw does and what dodge/ford is doing... In that picture you posted GTScoob you can tell there are ALOT of resembles in those cars.. but you can tell they are different// just like the old mustang and the new one... sure they are Very similar and but are just as different as the 3rd WV on that list and the last one.
Love the new Mustangs, like the new camaros ok...but the new challenger is just bad ass looking. I think the retro look is saving these cars. Not only that but the mustang came with the first redesign from the ground up and after driving on a lot (bought one for the now ex-wife) it is one of the best mustangs out there. I just hope Chevy and Dodge do the same. Pontiac screwed up royally with the GTO. Modern looks...and just not a good re-release of such a classic car. Engine was there, body was a major disappointment.