K40 Undetectable Radar

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by AXLEJOHNSON, Jan 16, 2008.



    Does anyone have a K40 system in their car? My boss has one in his Porsche and loves it. The guy that installed it said he would give me a really good deal on the system installed and I am really tempted to get it. Here is the company's website that is going to install it for me www.carphones.com.
  2. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    The site doesn't show the suby install. what $ is a good deal?


    He quoted me $1495.00 installed, but the next day my clutch started slipping so that money is going to the clutch instead. It is a pretty nice install and system though.
  4. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

    damn....1500 bucks. I'll just drive the speed limit lol
  5. AK_Raptor

    AK_Raptor Member

  6. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    It's definitely a nice setup, but I'd have to have a stupid amount of excess money lying around before I even thought about getting that.


    Ya, I agree it was way too expensive, but I just received a nice bonus and the money was burning a hole in my pocket. Luckily, the clutch came along and probably saved me a lot of buyers remorse.
  8. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    k40huh. I was heading north today on 75 and noticed an officer pointing a radar gun and thought to myself how come my escort 8500 was not screaming at me...
  9. It could have been laser?
  10. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    My exact reason for gettin the v2 or k40 some ppl are actually runnin both.
  11. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    you could get some nice coilovers for that money, or a lot of track time ;)
  12. BlackAndBlue

    BlackAndBlue Member

    if you have any excess money burning a hole in your pocket you can just give it to me, ill dispose of it for you
  13. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    8500 reads lazer and REALLY Screams at you when it does
  14. JDM

    JDM Member

    Get a radar jammer from rocky mountain radar. $300 for a detector and jammer in 1. It is not invisible like the k40, but much cheaper and more effective.
  15. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

  16. WJM

    WJM Banned

    just steal an E-767 and use the ECM/ECCM from that. Not only will you hide from Radar and Laser, the Russians wont be able to find you either!
  17. Caffeinated

    Caffeinated Member

    Check into a Blinder M45. It's a laser jammer that you need to use in conjuntion with a radar/laser detector.

    From searching the net, it seems it is legal to jam laser (in most states) which falls under FDA regulation but it is illegal to jam radar which falls under the FCC. Aparently, the technology used for the laser speed detection was originally developed for surgical procedures.
  18. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I never understood radar/laser detectors. If you obey the law you have NOTHING to worry about.
  19. UpSideDownDesi

    UpSideDownDesi Active Member

    my 8500 X50 has been doing the same past couple of months. Couple of times i passed a officer with gun pointed toward on coming traffic and my X50 was dead silent. Only conclusion i came with was...either the officer was using a laser/POP radar and only turning it on when he noticed someone speeding because X50 goes nutts when it detects Laser and KA.

    P.S I am about to send mine to Escort to get it looked at and updated.
    AND Blinder M45 FTW
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2008
  20. WJM

    WJM Banned

    but thats not the point...:rofl:
  21. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    K40 Model LD5500 Plus (Laser DefuserPlus, $299.95)

    The K40 is unique by having its transceiver module mounted in the top of an extra-thick license plate frame. But since many cars have contoured front bumpers and not every vehicle is required to have a front license plate, the frame proved to be more of a liability than a feature, especially when we tried attaching it to one of our test cars, a 2006 Corvette. Fortunately, it can be removed from the license plate cover. So for the test we separated the two and mounted it in the location the front plate would normally occupy.

    Audio/visual alerts are provided by a piezo speaker and red LED. But there's no status light, so you'll never know whether the unit is working or not. A power switch is not provided, leaving no means of shutting it off. And the wiring, connectors and installation kit look like the product of a junior high school shop project.

    The DefuserPlus can be integrated with K40's remote detectors, using their power-on and audio/visual warnings, and this obviously was the design goal for this jammer. Used as a stand-alone model it's sadly lacking in features.

    This model was the oldest design tested, circa 1994, and its age showed. It failed entirely to jam any of the lasers save for an occasional momentary jam while the jammer was receiving a direct hit, but even then only for an instant and at very close range. We'd go on to describe the particulars of the K40's jamming performance but it died midway through the test.

    The single instance where the K40 managed to reduce target range on the Corvette was after we'd also applied a coating of Laser Veil to all of its lights. With the added protection, target range dropped to an average of 715 feet, a reduction of over 50 percent. But without Laser Veil, we might as well have saved ourselves the trouble of installing the jammer.

    The K40's early demise prevented a full comparison with the other units, but based on results from several previous tests we're confident that the DefuserPlus would be as inept at jamming lasers today as it was then.

    Bottom line: Useless against today's lasers

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