See ya Atlanta.

Discussion in 'General Community' started by lostinthewoods, Aug 14, 2008.

  1. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    Time has come to move back to lovely Dallas texas :wiggle: at the end of the month, pending any house sale issues.

    It was good getting to know a lot of people on the boards and will definintely miss all the gatherings and wrenching. This is definitely the best subaru board around. I will still be lurking around and posting.

    Take it easy everyone. :fawk:
  2. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    i am in Dallas every few months =)

    decent town.. boring!

    but have fun with milo!
  3. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    You damn well better:unamused:

    Youve got my IM and #...keep in touch Keith
  4. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    I lived in Dallas before I moved out here. Its all good. :wiggle:

    Sure thing brent :keke: I will txt you random messages at random hours :naughty:
  5. wrxin8or

    wrxin8or Mullitt Staff Member

    Just remember...I am young...I am awake at strange hours...and I am a vindictive sonofabitch:rofl:
  6. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    Good luck Keith! Sorry to see you go.
  7. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Best of luck man! If you ever run across Milo tell him I said hey!
  8. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    Good luck man!

    *sniff* We're all growing up so fast. *sniff*
  9. Superdude

    Superdude Active Member

    man, no more north GA twisties! best of luck to you and the family keith.
  10. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    I have family in west plano so I am there every few months or so.
  11. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Best of luck with everything man!

  12. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    it was nice to get to know you and your family. you will be missed. hopefully we will see you around occasionally.
  13. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    it's nice to be going back to texas, long wide roads and fast driving. :p Good luck out there man, and i'll chat with ya on IM.
  14. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    Best of luck out there.
  15. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    You get pulled over for doing 5 over ....
  16. keeganxt

    keeganxt Active Member

    Good luck, take care and drive safe
  17. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    Just like here! Good luck!
  18. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    Good luck Keith!!!
  19. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    Thats kind of funny doug. That is actually the area we are looking to buy a house in. Either Frisco or West Plano.

    TIme to start packing this weekend. blah.
  20. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    best of luck keith! ETHUGS FOREVER!!!!
  21. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    going to miss you keith!
  22. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

    Good luck Keith and family :)

    Your'e going to have to tell the wife your going out for paint again so we can have a get to gether for you before you go.
  23. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    I am up for a few beers or so . Just name the spot and a time for next week or the following. Last day in town is Aug 30th.
  24. Kokopelli

    Kokopelli Active Member

  25. pEd

    pEd This ain't no Piccadilly!

    I agree...

    lets have a nice going away meet.
    Texas is great. Wish I could get back there more often.
  26. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    I could swing that on the 26th of Aug it looks like.
  27. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Can we do some good ole fashion EThuging before you leave?
  28. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    Ask clay about that. LOL
  29. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    Take Care Keith. It was really cool knowing you man...I thought you were going back to Bean Town when I first saw the post. GL to you and please do lurk and post...LOL...I wish you the very best in whatever you do and say hi to Milo when you arrive in Dallas...

  30. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    My good friend Kary Holt from the AF lives in Frisco...very nice area...and not as congested either.

  31. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    Actually frisco is becoming a zoo. The roads are kinda limited for the amount of traffic they get. Oh well. We make our first drive out there this weekend with two cars, dogs, and some stuff. They fly back for the big move the following weekend. blah....

    Anyways, I guess I should pack up more stuff.
  32. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    Have you guys found a place yet?.

  33. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    NO we have a place to live in the mean time. We will start looking once we get there.

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