Auto-X at AMS (8/31) Now Open!

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by 07Ltd#767, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    Sign up, boys and girls, it's going to be a blast. Plus, I finally get to unleash the STi. Riding was fun last time, but I have a feeling driving will be much, much better.

    Solo Atlanta

    Let's get it on! :ddirty::ddirty:
  2. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    see ya there
  3. Ben@TTR

    Ben@TTR Member

    I think im gonna come out to this one and make some vids
  4. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Just a heads up, anybody wanting to take pictures on course at our events must get approval from our Safety Steward and have a spotter with them.

    Also any use of cameras in car must be on a mount; cameras in cars cannot be hand held.


    I might be at this one, I think my V710s might be rubbing my fenders though, so I need to figure that out.
  6. jeb

    jeb Member

    Just signed up, this will be my first auto X in my car
  7. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    as long as you keep that hose plugged in, you should be good :rofl::rofl:

    even if they are scrubbing, just keep the BBS wheels have to come out, regardless of the wheel rub, we need your iphone and some dynolicious :naughty:
  8. Ben@TTR

    Ben@TTR Member

    Gotcha! I was talking about from the stands though :)
  9. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    No problem, I just wanted to make sure that you were aware; we don't have any stands though. Feel free to snap photos from any spectator area.
  10. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    My 275s always rubbed, I never got much rub from the 245s on my STi. Keep in mind this was stock ride height. Also keep in mind last event's course had alot of areas where the car could bottom out (think the begining of the course). My s2000 bottomed out and took a big chuck of hoosier off my front drivers side. As along as the tire doesn't show cord on the edge where is is rubbing it's not that big of a deal.


    Thanks Mere, I guess a lot of the turns were in a dip or a place were the suspension would be under a lot of load, the only reason I noticed they rubbed is because the tires had a blue tint on the edge, but I think I will give it another shot this weekend and see how it works.
  12. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Do you have any adjustments on your shocks? I need to work on a "bumpy" setting for my car as right now the shocks are setup for a fairly smooth surface. My codriver wants to take some rebound out so that the car won't dip so badly at AMS. If you have some adjustability you might want to talk to Jay or Joel (the driver of Stompy).


    No I am running stock suspension, sway bars are my only suspension mod at this point. I was considering a set of springs as my next mod, but after rubbing, I was worried that a set of lowering springs would only worsen the problem of rubbing.
  14. BMCJunkie

    BMCJunkie New Member

    Would anybody be willing to give me a ride-a-long on Sunday? The free SCCA membership that came with my car has been gathering dust for waaaaaaaay too long.
  15. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Just take the plunge and register for novice class... you'll be able to get plenty of ride alongs and instruction. Also any car that has a "novice taxi" magnet on it will be more than willing to give anybody a ride at the event.

    FYI but I believe the free membership thing was back in 04/05 (i remember I got one too); it might be time to renew as memberships are only good for one year.
  16. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    I'm happy to give anyone a ride, however I'd like to have Robert or someone w/ experience in the front seat for the first run.

    Hell, I don't care, I'll run my car 4 deep...riding in the back is fun, I did it last time (Thanks Tasty)
  17. BMCJunkie

    BMCJunkie New Member

    Uhmmm... I never sent the membership form in. I know, that's really weak of me, but it is what it is... LOL! Meredith, do you have any idea what that would cost? I'm a total n00b when it comes to the SCCA stuff! The reason why I'm asking for a ride along is because I would really like to feel how a wrx/sti handles on a course like this and maybe get some tips from experienced crossers such as yourself on what route to take in regards to tuning my car. I don't even know what class I would be in, because they just don't make sense to me. There might be lunch in it for someone... <hint!> <hint!>
  18. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    I went a few weeks ago and it doesn't cost anything to come along and ride, you only have to pay if you're in the event. I hopped a ride with a bunch of people on here, I think there were 3 or 4 of us there. I'll be there, along with Jeb in his WRX, as well as a few other people. We'll most likely all park together, so just come find the group of Subi's and introduce yourself.

    It's all in fun, and I'm not competing against anyone but myself, so I as long as I stay between the lines I'll be happy. Last event was stupid fun and I only rode...time to unleash my car this time:ddirty:
  19. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    Blue tint isn't rubbing it is over heating. slow down on corner entry and come out fast!

    Rubbing is an unmistakable sound with thin grooves in the sholder area
  20. BMCJunkie

    BMCJunkie New Member

    Hey 07Ltd#767, thanks for the invitation! What time will you all be out there? I'm assuming that AMS stands for Atl Motor Speedway?
  21. a1rocketpilot

    a1rocketpilot New Member

    Registered today, in my Legacy this time around! I can't wait to see how the new FSB holds up, provided the endlinks don't break again...

    I'm also dragging a friend along to drive in Novice class, and thus far, she's been very excited!
  22. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    I believe membership is $80, however if you run two events as a weekend member (it cost $10 extra) you can turn in two weekend membership forms for a total of $30 off (they are worth $15 off an annual membership but the maximum you can turn in is 2). If you are under 21 they have a "first gear" membership that is $45 (i think) but you can also apply the weekend memberships to that as well.

    You can run novice for your first two events, novices run together in a class and you get six runs. After you feel comfortable post up your mods and I can class your car. Keep in mind that the best mod in autox is the driver/seat time.
  23. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Man, there's going to be a bunch of Subys there, guess I need to get on it and sign up.

    BTW, Patrick, what are you drving at this event?
  24. dundunskeert

    dundunskeert Member

    Wow I really want to go to this...
  25. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Auto x is nice because it make you a better driver and you learn how to drive you car.

    Meredith, how much of a change was it really to transfer to the s2k?
  26. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Just sign up :)
  27. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    The s2k is alot harder to drive, it has absolutely no torque when you out of vtec. In the STi it was very easy to over break in a corner and rely on the torque to pull you out. Also the S2k line is much different than the STi line.
  28. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    so you miss the STi ;-)

    Just not buying turbos LOL


    I am registered, I will see you guys out there.
  30. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    Hey Matt, no I will be out of town this weekend. Have a gereat time though
  31. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Thanks, just wondering what ended up happening to your friends miata!
  32. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    The Miata is getting a new clutch and tranny today and should be at the event. Mazmart to the rescue!

    If you see my friend Jerry, stop and say hello. He is an awesome guy
  33. SubiNoobi

    SubiNoobi Supporting Member

    Wow, that's quick, I'm glad its back in working order.
  34. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    AAHHHH!!!! Check-In's at 7:30, this is going to be a long night...Rehab's playing at our fraternity house tonight and they don't even go on until 11-midnight range. Holy hell I'm glad there's coffee...
  35. BMCJunkie

    BMCJunkie New Member

    Hey 07Ltd#767, What's you're real name? and what time should I show up if I want to ride along on your 2nd run? (aka my 1st ride along) :)
  36. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    cant you register at the site?
    or did the rules change and you can only sign up for it online?

    im sure this matter has been talked about but....

    help a brotha out.
  37. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    The name's Drew, and I run in the third heat, but I have no idea what time that is. Jeb = Jason, he'll be there in his bugeye, and Blindfold = Ming, he should be there, too, but I haven't talked to him since the last event (drives a blue STi). I would say check out the site to see exactly what time everything kicks off, but tech inspec is at 7:30, so i'll be there bright and early
  38. BMCJunkie

    BMCJunkie New Member

    Okay, sounds cool Drew. I'll check the site and look for the group of subies tomorrow.


    Thanks to Team Solo for putting on another great event! My mind wasn't really in it Sunday, but I did notice a few things; one Drew is a pretty good driver, and put down some good times, especially for a first timer. Second my G-forces don't have as much grip as my v710s. It was nice to see all the subies out there.
  40. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk


    Thanks, buddy

    I think my top time was a 66.3, but that was with four people in my car (as was every other run I made)...turbo lag is exponentified w/ that many people on a fast course.

    Thanks Solo Atlanta, thanks Matt (my instructor) and thanks to everybody else who made it out there, it was a blast - see you all in October at Turner.

    Lastly - HA Jeb...yeah, I beat you by a second :fawk:
    And you're about to buy CeeLow's car, so you have no excuses for the future

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