I gotta new (to me) car

Discussion in 'General Community' started by Jake, Sep 21, 2008.

  1. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    I'm gonna make this short cuz I'm on my hone and I have to get up early tomorrow for the montain run.

    You all know I was selling my acura, well I wound up trading straight up for a '97 impreza L. It's automatic awd 2.2l with 162k on the clock. I plan to do a wrx swap into it. Already got an sti axleback, put it on tonight. And already have a tribeca front sway and wrx rear sway lined up. The car already had wrx seats in the front and an sti rear seat.

    I will post pics in a few days. But for now, let me know if you guys have any spare wrx or sti parts laying around. I'd also like any black interior pieces you guys can find to fit it. And oh the prices need to be cheap or free because I an seriously strained for money and in debt up to my eyeballs. I am determined to see this project thru. Anyways let me know what you got.

    Thanks in advance guys!!

  2. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    gratz...pics when you get a chance
  3. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    Congrats dude. You know where all my parts are.;)
  4. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    Nice project car congrats!
  5. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Congrats! You get back into a Subaru and I get out, lol.

    STi or ///M3 coming in 8 months!
  6. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    is it the coupe of sedan? If it will be a while for your swap I will have the full 5sp conversion from mine. It was an auto once upon a time.
  7. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    it's a sedan. And yes I will be over at your place helping you. Let me know when youre working on it and I'll come help.


    Posting from vogel! Great turn out for the mountain run.
  8. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    ok guys. the alpine CD player that came in the car is completely FUBAR'ed. My roomate and I are going on a road trip (back home) this weekend and we will die if we don't have any tunes. I'm looking for the cheapest (under $100) used cd player (preferably with an iPod capability) that you guys have to offer me.

    let me know!!!!
  9. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Tell Chris to buy my car and keep it in the family, lol.

  10. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    ha we are sitting at the exhaust shop getting the sti axle back buttoned up. Are you coming to the gsu game this weekend?
  11. Sharpe

    Sharpe Member

    jake...you know where all of your OLD parts are lol...holler at me when you get in town...got a question about the subie. need some help running down a bump bump bump. congrats on the car though! i am sure that i have some parts that you need...and don't worry, i'll make them nice and expensive!! :)
  12. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    I think I still have my stock 03 headunit. Not much but it still works.

  13. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    if it will fit then I'll take it.

    And Jamey well see you Saturday!
  14. jason

    jason Member

    Yeah, your welcome for my Witness Signing..
  15. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    Dana bring that headunit over here tonight or tomorrow night after 9. I wanna see if I can make it work.
  16. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    I'll see what I can do lol, thats quite a drive. When are you leaving?
  17. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    early Friday morning.

    Anyone care to chime in that might know for sure whether a wrx headunit will fit a 97 L???
  18. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    ok guys i need to know what all i need to make wrx brakes fit on an L. my rear drums are shot and I dont see the sense in replacing them if i plan on upgrading them. might as well go ahead and do the brake swap now.
  19. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    also i am looking for an STi or '06+ wrx driver's airbag.

    lmk guys
  20. atl_sti

    atl_sti Member

    FWIW I have a WRX 6 disc in my 98 RS.. it was plug and play. I dont think anything changed from 97-98. And, congrats on the new ride man.
  21. Jake

    Jake Active Member

  22. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    That's going to be pricey unfortunately.
  23. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    Let me know how the tribeca front sway works out - I've been considering one for mine, but I don't think it'll fit after my swap.
  24. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    Yeah I was hoping to find someone who put a racing steering wheel in their car and didn't want their stocker. To be honest I'd be cool with just the cover and no bag.

    And as far as the sway bar, it won't fit after your swap. Because frm what I've read you have to swap subframes. Which would eliminate the sway bar
  25. scoobaru

    scoobaru Active Member

  26. Alex_ATL

    Alex_ATL Member

    would a 99 RS suspension be an upgrade at all?
  27. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    ^ probly but im going with coilovers
  28. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    pics or you dont have the car yet. :p
  29. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    I don't have a camera. At least one that works. Tons of people have already seen it. It's nothing special....

  30. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    bump looking for an STi or 06+ airbag or just the airbag cover.

  31. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    go get a NOPI steering wheel for $50 call it a day!
  32. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    ^whats the latest with you wrecked wrex?
  33. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    Uhmm, I called her back to ask what the "buy back" is. I am guesstimating that it will be anywhere from $300-$1000. You can buy the car from me, but I would need the money by Monday or Tuesday so that I can clear my loan. I have to get a car my next weekend. :eek:hnoes:
  34. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    he insurance payout wasn't enoughto pay off your loan? Let me know what it is. My bday is Tuesday so I may have some bday money to give you. Let me know regardless, I will make it work.
  35. AirMax95

    AirMax95 Active Member

    It was like $400 under...
  36. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    just let me know
  37. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    ok guys I'm raising money to buyback airmax's wrx (as well as taking donations from those who don't want to see it sold to a scrap yard). I am selling a near perfect sti rear seat as well as an apple iBook g4 notebook in another thread please help me (and Tereance) out, need this money asap!!!!
  38. seanwrxwagon

    seanwrxwagon Member

    I saw your car up at on the border. It looks pretty clean. I can't wait to see it decked out.
  39. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    thanks, ^^yeah sean said he was going to give you a ride the other night.
  40. seanwrxwagon

    seanwrxwagon Member

    Yeah, he let me try out the koni's. I'm hoping for a christmas bonus. If I get one I might be able to swing it. I ordered a couple chassis braces to keep me busy in the mean time. Cowl stays, H brace, and a rear strut brace to shore up the back of my wagon.
  41. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    Good call. Good to meet you the other night also.
  42. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    guys I need two good stock wrx wheels with tires temporarily. I need them asap until I can get my some new tires myself. I'm not looking to buy just to borrow. Lmk what you got!
  43. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    You know where my wheels are. You would have to buy some tires though.
  44. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    yeah just need some already mounted ones asap. cuz all 4 wheels are fine. just need tires
  45. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    anyone? I need some today!!!!!
  46. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    you can use my spare...:keke:
  47. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    ha, already have one spare. i was looking at them and i could really use 3 wheels if anyone has any. i'm shopping for tires with money i dont have right now

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