Hey guys, So tomorrow night I fly out to Amsterdam with my wife for the weekend. She stays the week for business and I get to come home and then fly out to DC for business myself. For the record, I am not a pot smoker, haven't done that in 11 years. However, I am still looking forwarding to going and seeing the city. Wish me luck
Amsterdam is an awesome city, even if you don't want to smoke some of the best weed in the world (Santa's Ice FTMFW!) When we were there, we hit up the Van Gogh museum, as well as the Anne Frank house. The parks there are phenomenal, and the general scenery is gorgeous. Check out the red light district, too. It's actually really interesting to see it at night, and not at all dirty like I was expecting (for the most part). Also, they have the best finger food stands all over the place...especially next to the coffee houses. Apparently they know what's going on over there...I would highly recommend this place - two birds w/ one stone Oh Oh, also, if you like Piss water, check out the Heinecken brewery...i think it tastes like ass, but the tour was pretty freaking cool
I made it there for a weekend this summer. Definitely a cool city. I kind of wish I hadn't smoked so much while I was there :hsugh: Down the street from the Anne Frank house there is this pancake place (wish I could remember the name) that was effing delicious. I highly recommend it if you get the chance (for the record I ate there before any other illicit activities took place that day, aka still sober).
I was disappointed by the Anne Frank house, it seemed really commercialized. The biggest adventure was trying to figure out which train to take, since not much was in English.
Have fun man. Theres plenty to do other than get baked over there, I highly recommend the MC Escher Museum and the Dutch Resistance Museum. The Heineken brewery was a lot of fun too. I went over there a couple years back with my family and avoided the coffeeshops. If you're feeling particularly nerdy, the International Criminal Court is a 45 min trainride south of Amsterdam in the Haague, its pretty impressive to see but we couldnt go in because of Slobodan Milosevic's trial.
^^their office is pretty interesting. When Jamey (sharpe) took me up there I had a chance to see their international shipping and receiving warehouse area. If you step over a big red line in the warehouse you're in international territory (read no longer in Vidalia,ga US).
Just got back a today, man I am tired. That place is easy to get lost walking around. It all looks pretty similar. Very fun place with lots to do and see.
So..I've got to ask, did you partake? I've got to ask though, what does your wife do? It would be pretty cool to get sent all over the world on a business trip.
Justin: Like I stated earlier i don't do drugs. A big part of the reason I gave my life to God was due to a drug problem when I was a teenager in NYC. I lost a lot of friends because of drugs and saw my life going in the same direction. There is a lot more to this story of course, I'd be glad to go into more detail if anyone was interested in hearing it. Angel is a Project Manager for a global team of IT developers for Philips (the TV people.) She's bee all over the world, Singapore, Brazil, several parts of Europe. She's always worked for big companies like IBM, HP and now Philips. It also helps that she has three degrees (one of which is a masters). I've also traveled a good bit myself with a sales career. 43 states and 10 countries and counting. Business travel is far from a vacation. You try and sit through a meeting where everyone is speeking chinese and your are jetlagged!