ok so some may know me most wont,i have an r32 gtst type m with many mods. well i also used to have a whit bug eye with 435 hp and 125shoot dry that i killed overtwo years ago,i have missed sence. i was offerd 20,000 for my skyline the other day{wasnt even tryen to sell..ever} and the gentlmen was in a amg with a bank statment that showed he was for real. i found a 02 blk bug eye here in ga for like 9,900. i may do it..i will keep all posted if i return..and if i do she will be bad..{still have all the nos system for my old subie..give me some feed back on what you would do sway
That would be a tough call for me. I've seen your car around Woodstock off of hwy 92, and it's pretty sweet.
I'm about to have my black bugeye for sale, I was putting it all back to stock but if your interested it could be put back together in a lot of different configurations. Matt
thats a tough one..yet obviously a skyline isn't as rare now that they are selling them in the states..i know its a diff model but you get my point... Thats a damn tough call....Best of luck with your decision as my post probably provides no help what so ever..damn I really can't think of what I'd do in that situation..
Color is the skyline? if its black, keep it. jk keep the skyline either way imo. Unless its difficult times for you and you need money and still want a nice car
Yeah talk about one of the meanest bugeyes you've ever seen. I'd have taken matt's monster wrx over a skyline anyday. That thing was tits. It made your eyes water when he started it. RACE GAS FTW.
thanks for all the feed back guys,pm me pics of the black bug eye and price and mod list, i still dont know..times are fine for me..i just dont know..these are the only two cars i would own,and i have had both and i still cant make up my mind,i like the sky for the looks it gets,rearwheeldrive/all wheel steering,power and style...the respect a wrx gets for its classyness,performance background, and people just treat you better in the car world for some reason...your not just some "punk kid"..pluse subie owners are more mature....god damn it i dont know what to do
Except your Skyline is a RHD!! The new Skylines are LHD so that still makes your's rare. Unless you're having problems with the skyline or something else, I'd keep that car.