Vid from Mts

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by 2thAche, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. 2thAche

    2thAche Member

    Here's a short vid, with Devon on chase cam PIP.

    Falkens stayed cold, no bite. Run was cut short, another story...
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2008
  2. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    Nice. The PIP is badass.
  3. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    for some reason we look like we is going slow as hell...

    but then i look at the speedo and the tach and go hmm... lol

    too bad my camera wasnt rolling i could have shot both of yous from behind...

    ... from behind. that sounds nasty. :p
  4. 2thAche

    2thAche Member

    The mountain runs always look slow don't they. Watch the end when Dev lets off and I'm on throttle, better perspective of how the speed ramps up.
  5. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    thats sick, WHERE CAN I DRIVE THIS ROAD!!!!
  6. bomjoon

    bomjoon Active Member

    nah i think its just you two :p
  7. tybalt6691

    tybalt6691 Member

    nice videography
  8. 2thAche

    2thAche Member

    Bah, we didn't have hyperdrive engaged.
  9. 2thAche

    2thAche Member

    Thanks. I need to find out what the better vid editing software is.
  10. Davidwrx

    Davidwrx Member

    What road is this?
  11. Bug-Rex

    Bug-Rex Active Member

    Awesome video and road! I would also like to know what road this is...?
  12. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    it should be Blood Mountain/Wolf Pen Gap, up in Dahlonega.
  13. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    Nice driving skills! Car sounds smooth as hell!
  14. V_WRX

    V_WRX Member

    Awesome video. The PIP looks very good. What kind of camera mount are you using 2thAche?

    BTW, me and a friend are going up there tomorrow morning, if anybody wants to join me.
  15. 2thAche

    2thAche Member

    It's a sony Handycam DCR-SR40. Basic cam w/ 30GB hard drive in it I got a while back. I like the hard drive cams 'cause I can just drag the .mpegs from the cam to my computer.

    What I'd like to do is get a newer HD cam and put the old one in the rear window as a chase cam.

    Devon and Bomjoon have wide-angle lenses 'cause they're cooler than I.

    PS: Watch for GSP, they ended our run early. Seems someone on a bike died last Saturday. Also it's cold up there, 45 degrees and if you look close you can see the car slip a few times, too cold for the tires to warm up so be careful.

    Road: 19/129 northbound (blood mountain) in Lumpkin County.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2008
  16. V_WRX

    V_WRX Member

    Thanks for the heads up man, i'll take it easy tomorrow.

    How did you mount the camera in the car? Did you use a harness bar mount?
  17. 2thAche

    2thAche Member

    I can't use a harness bar yet 'cause I put the kids back there sometimes. Once I get a DD I'll put in a cage.

    I ghetto mount a medium sized tripod w/ bungees. It's very stable actually, 2 feet to the floor/against the front seats, one to the rear seat. Bungees from the top of the tripod and hook under the seat rails. You can also rig a mount using one of the safety hook bolts on the rear deck.
  18. 2thAche

    2thAche Member

  19. mazeroth

    mazeroth New Member

    Those videos are really neat. I need to start paying more attention to these mountain runs so I don't miss the next one.
  20. 2thAche

    2thAche Member

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