...now get over it. I didn't vote for Obama. I don't support all of his policies. But he's going to be our new president and I'm already sick of hearing all of the children cry about it. The guy's not even in office yet and all of these back-handed, immature comments are getting made. I swear on some level Import Atlanta has handled the election subject material more maturely than this site. And yes, that should hurt your soul (I know it does mine). I don't know exactly what it is about hearing it on this site that bothers me so much (I hear it all over the place). I guess I just thought we were better than that. [/end rant]
Yep, now off I go to pick up something like this http://www.rockriverarms.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_id=218
I just dropped by the gun store by the shop...they had a few interesting things, but I didn't pull the trigger, so to speak Should be picking up something pretty soon though...
Yep, thats the place. Was checking out a few things they have there, but I haven't decided on what I want yet...
If you are looking at a 5.56 rifle, be sure you check out the Sig 556. Its the shiznit. /my continuation of the threadjack
To avoid calling anyone out directly (even though it's pretty obvious from this thread) I'm not going to quote anyone or anything. The thing is they're not over the top or extremely direct (just like the replies in this thread), it's just the mentality and approach of it. I don't care if they want to gorge on sour grapes (on exaggerated issues nonetheless), just spare me the sarcasm. It is especially disheartening that its a group of the mods and more senior members that seem to be perpetuating it.
Word.....I am on IA 85% of my work day reading the mindless offensive post about our new president. It's sad, really sad. All presidents will suck in some aspect of their 4-8yr term, but damn let him get in first! If he fucks up, then complain! BTW, I didn't know people were so passionate about the gun laws. People are really pissed about it!
Yeah, its on, like page two of the Constitution, or is that the Bill of Rights, whatever, we all, by LAW, are allowed to have access to AR15's, as many as we want. And we can shoot them into the sky...its a fact....<sarcasm off> I live in the wrong freaking state...
You are not going to offend me by calling out my post in the Auto Industry thread. It was more directed at the government, and more of a, plan for the future thing, but it was directly related to Obama and his supposed policies, which might be quite different then what he has been saying the past couple of months.
But, you are calling them out by creating this thread...Isn't that what this is for? I would think that the mature thing to do...is to not add to the fire. just my $.02
Wow...just wow. The purpose of having the right to bear arms is stated plainly. If you dont like that, feel free to move somewhere where you don't have the same rights as we do here
Hmmm.....I agree with the right to bear arms, even though I dont own a gun, nor do a I plan on purchsing one. Its in the Constitution, but if an amendment to it is made then so be it. I honestly wish we could eliminate guns from everywhere, lol. My only frustration is with the things said about Obama! Some of the terms, names, and captions that I have see are just down right disgusting! Seriously, spell out to me what he has donw wrong? After he screws up, then say what you want.
Another thing on the "right to bear arms". I have been looking at the news lately, and I suddenly do not feel safe. People think that their right is to be taken away, and 1/3 of the whole damn country goes to pick up a gun. I say at the least, ammend it! Put in the statue that ANYONE wishing to purchase a firearm of any type undergo a psych evaluation that THEY must pay for. ANY criminal act under your belt disqualifies you 100%, no exceptions! Something about people pissed over a new president, and buying guns, makes me want to work from home.
Did I say anything about that? No. I said that while it is still legal and available, I will be purchasing a new firearm for myself. Thats all I said regarding this thread. Fin.
I don't bear arms because I don't have the right to shoot people and I have a bad temper. If I want meat, I go to the butcher, I don't go hunting. I have nothing agains’t hunting. I simply don't have time to hunt animals it is not practical with my schedule. I am not saying people don't hunt. But you are typically hunting with a hunting rifle not an AR15 or a Glock....unless you are hunting people. There is target practice for these weapons, but what are you going to do, shoot at paper your whole life just to know you can shoot someone. If you shoot someone else, outside of your home, get ready to go to jail. Get ready for years of trial and ass loads of legal fees. Even though it may really have been self defense you may still go to jail, where you will not have the right to bear arms only your ass. I am not saying I am anti-gun but you fucking better be real even tempered, level headed, non-drinking, or illicit drug using, 100% upright citizen. If you are not, you are increasing the probabaility 100% of making a bad judgement call. If you do fuck up you go by, by for a long time. Ain’t worth it to me.
I've done the military thing. I like shooting guns as much as the next guy (or country girl...). But honestly, WTF does anyone need with an AR15, MP5, etc? The second amendment was drafted in order to keep the government honest by allowing the citizens to stay armed, a prevent tyranny thing. If you think you're (the general you're, not aimed at Brett or anyone else...) punk ass with an AR15 is going to be able to defend us in the event of a military coup, then good luck with that! I would put my patriotism up against anyone, anywhere in the country. I don't seem to remember an overwhelming number of our members having actually served the country. Especially the ones posting about rights and leaving....
Maybe so. But I honestly think bringing it out in the open and talking about is much better than making snide, sarcastic remarks here and there. I'm not looking to start an ebattle or anything. This community has always prided itself on it's friendliness and openness and I just wanted to go ahead and approach the situation upfront before it really started to become a problem (and judging by some of the "thanks" I received, I'd say I wasn't the only one bothered by it). Now, honestly, on the gun thing, I'm all about the second amendment. My dad is a card carrying NRA member and I likely will be one day too (and neither him nor I even hunt). In my opinion that was just a very minor aspect of this election, one that is likely to be a moot point because I sincerely doubt much freedom is going to be taken away from us in that sense. There are much bigger fish to fry, if you will.
Also, please note that I am not specifically in favor of a new law to ban weapons (not necessarily opposed either). I just don't understand what the hell you need that kind of firearm for in the first place....
I remember seeing this documentary a while back and they were able to save our country when we were invaded back in the 80's . If it wasn't for the Wolverines and Reagan our country would be lost.
ssh: It's so you can protect yourself against the bad guys, unfortunately if you shoot a bad guy you get locked in a cell with one and then they get back at your ass hnoes::smileysex:3mol::ky::until you have a straight pipe with no silencer............................
A shotgun, which I am absolutely not against, is a far more effective home defense weapon than an AR15....
is it time to spread the wealth around yet? I am waiting for my hand out. i am a fat, lazy, piece of shit that deserves someone else's hard earned money.
Maybe you should pay the maximum tax possible on the cash you earn. I dont mind paying more as long as everyone is. of course given that you can afford the cost of food and stuch
One of the reasons I want to get one, is because they are extremely versatile guns. Nowadays there are conversions for everything from .50cal to .22. Not to mention they are quite a fun gun to shoot. I absolutely agree with you here. An AR15 is not an effective home defense weapon (that is why I have a handgun and will be picking up a Mossberg 500 quite soon also). The AR I am going to pick up will NOT be used for home defense. Edit: And it will probably not be stored at my house anyway. I don't have a sufficient storage place for such a gun where I am currently living, so it will be stored at my brother's house, in a safe.
as soon as its starts a spreading I am getting me some spinnin deuces on my monte carlo and a new uzi
Who are you to decide whats "necessary" and whats not? Do we "need" cars with 400 hp or big screen tv's? I owned an AR-15(until recently) and yes... I served our country. I think the majority of AR owners are like me, target shooters who just shoot the AR for fun. If you know anything about guns, you'd know the AR isn't anywhere near a home defense weapon. If you did fire it in your home, you'd hit the bad guy and the bullet would keep going until it hits something hard, more than likely your neighbor or another family member. As stated allready, the shotgun is a home defense weapon (I have a mossburg 500 with pistol grip and callapsible stock). I think the people your referring to are a small portion of gun owners.. who actually think there gonna save the world if the shit hits the fan, not to mention the idiots like the ones who were plotting to kill Obama a few weeks ago. As far as gun control and Obama changing things.. maybe I'm naive, but I don't see anything changing, and the laws will stay the same. I don't see gun control as being affective though if it does get more strict. Bad guys are going to get guns... period. Limiting access to everyday joes like myself isn't going to help anything....