I know its a little late but I just wanted to thank all of the members on the board that have served or are serving in our armed forces. Thanks guys!!
being a veteran and working on veteran's day seems kind of wrong. making 2.5x overtime, however, is totally sweet.
A vet and currently working... no overtime either.. this just sucks Thx for the comments guys, and a bigger thanks to our guys in Iraq / Durka, Durkastan... 1 day of their service means more than all 4 years of mine in the USAF...
trust me I know how it is. 16hr days for months at a time in the yards getting ready for deployment. :unamused:
^^^ been out for some years now, I was talking about no OT at my current job... but yeah, plenty of 12hr+ nights wrenching on F-16's for about 18k a year while I was in.. I'd like to think they made up for it with $9.50 cases of Heineken
no OT? sucks for you. I'd never go salaried unless I was a boss or it was really lucrative. double time on sundays, 15 paid holidays, and 2.6x OT for holidays
^^ Not salaried... UPS is just picky on what THEY consider a holiday. 3 holidays are 3x pay, the others are 2x if worked...
I hope you enjoyed the sunshine and fresh food you surface warfare faggot. and your own rack. and your gym, basketball court, ability to call home, etc. :unamused: