Who saw the fight? That shit was hilarious lolol. I managed to get some on my cell. Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LKaoeV72V8
First off...it was uncalled for! Second....it was the gheyest fight I have seen to date. There were middle school brawls that were better. Third.....read the second, lol.
Guess they weren't that pissed at each other...................Lucky they didn't fall on someones car that might have started a real fight!
Great publicity for the Subaru and general car meets.... not. People need to grow up. I hate seeing this shit.
As if the cops weren't allready up our ass at these things, lets give them a real reason to come by! And agreed, I've seen better fights in middle school... FAIL
and BTW this is in no way a representation of wrxatlanta, just a few people from wrxatl happen to go there. its nothing we organize or represent. so, this wouldnt bring discredit to us. this is completely the high school meet all you guys did when you were young (me included)