I think we had one of these threads last year. So what're you guys gonna spoil your mistress with this year? I plan on window tint, that elusive protune, and a thorough detailing.
A head unit that I can plug my iPod into! And maybe redoing the tint on the rear. Looks like the previous owner closed the hatch on something pointy. What a jerk. Didn't he know I wouldn't want that done to my car?
my car is going to get drivin for christmas since it will have been in the body shop for three weeks!
My bday is a month before Christmas so i just got a new set of wheels for the Miata. Xmas is tires. I have springs and sways, but have not had the time to put them on yet. Hoping we do an install day soon!!!
Ditto...though I got a motorcycle to take its place in the meantime :naughty: And since Jeb just got his back after getting ass-raped by a semi, I think we're planning on taking a day trip to the mountains...if it happens, we'll post a thread so a few more guys can join us
you're telling me!! AHHH!! A few ahead though Due date 03/21/2009 Outstanding principal balance‡ $2x,xxx.40 lol BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!
My STI is getting 1500 miles of crappy I-75 and even crappier weather on my cross country trek to Michigan to see the folks... Really makes me regret the RCE yellows every time I do this trip... I get the pleasure of trying to count how many times my girlfriend says "I HATE THIS CAR!!!" every time we hit a crack or dip in the road... good times...
Two 8" subs and a bath. And my motorcycle is getting tires, a full exhaust, jet kit, and a big hole in the airbox.
Hopefully my car is getting gears that won't break and a set of coilovers. After that there really isn't anything left to mod.
Change of plans for me. I'm focusing on handling so my "mistress" will probably be getting new tires and new sway bars.
So to bump an old thread, I think she may be getting some whiteline sways as well. Stock suspension to badass suspension FTW.