there has to be a trick to getting this damn thing off. i had a leaking fuel hose on pass side. Ive got the hoses off but want to get the plenum completely off to make sure i haven't damaged the gasket. any suggestions would be a great help... its torn apart right now in the shop. if anyone has some time or any will to make a little cash and to make it out to snellville in the near future pm me. please. or call 770-883-1080. it would be greatly appreciated. Jeff:sx:
I am facing this too. How much of a pain is it? Have you looked at the FSM? It is posted here at the top of the DIY forum.
i got those two... should i be looking to pull the rails as well? it doesnt look to be any other way. the rail runs right through the middle of the driver's side runners...
thats some sh**! atleast ive got a heated shop while im working late tomorrow!! preciate the help. Any other suggestion?... dont be bashful!!!!
take the whole plenum off with the tgvs attached. That way the enitre fuel rail will come off with it. Just remove the 8 bolts that go through the tgvs to the head. It takes about a half hour to do.
mike has done it 191934032510958015 times. but yeah i think even taking everything off it was around 30-45mins, maybe an hour for us first timers