So, Genya has decided to grace us with his presence, so we will be having a special Tuesday night meet. Anyone have suggestions on where to go? Hooters - Cumberland Mall/ Cobb Parkway. 7:30pm to meet and hang out. 8:00 pm for dinner
Where is Jason staying? We could always do the tried and true Hooters meet....Haven't done one in years.
Ill be around the area, but will definately come to whereever is clever to hang out thx guys and gals
HHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! drink one for me while ya there. back for good or just visiting?
Awesome thanks so much guys i feel honored I really appreciate it. Ill see you guys then and great to be home
wow, sorry about not responding...I never saw this. we were there til 11 last night. Good times were had by all! It was good to see you again, Jason!
pics taken by the phone, excuse the quality WRB power, didnt really care for the other colors that night I had to leave pretty quickly after this...since it was moving towards my car