Are we planning on doing a group buy on some wrxatlanta swag anytime soon? spring has sprung and I would like a new t-shirt
We are most likely going to have something soon, especially since we have a member with a screen printer now
omg lol...for a sec there i thought someone hacked my account haha. still would like a new t-shirt lol
like this? well if you have the money that Alex will charge to cut them I'll hook you up. Alex? How much to want to charge for this? It's 304L stainless steel with a back plate. There are a few samples floating around.
Let me get the company back on the phone on Monday about this. IIRC, I had to order 250 of them :rofl:
It would be nice for the injection molded plastic, the kicker is the price for the molds. That's the reason for the high volume as you know. I'll leave that option out there for those who want to spend the money as they're not cheap.
Maybe WRX with a simple line drawing of the Atl skyline? I still love my lady suby though...I am missing one of her and think it may be a Kings house
We've got a couple designs we're messing with, and we're looking into production costs and methods right now. Not sure how much I'm allowed to say, but yeah.
new guy here would like to buy a t-shirt or two.... one short-sleeve and one long will be fine, thanks.. ;-D
If only it were that simple… Don't hold your breath for the longsleeve. That might happen when the weather gets cooler again, but currently there aren't any plans.
Now that we have a contact for the physical shirts themselves, the idea is to get our screen setup and then do the work ourselves. This will help bring the cost down as well as make for a fun beer and shirt day
hell yeah... I'd be willing to buy more t-shirts than I need (and then try to pawn off the excess) if that helps the effort. I'll also contribute to the beer effort...
With enough heads up, I would be willing to donate some sweat to help get this done if it's needed...
Sorry for the hold up guys, but the point people here have had opposite schedules. Hopefully some lending monkeys will get their shit together and free up some of my time by FINALLY LETTING ME BUY MY FUCKING HOUSE!! This isn't the right place to vent, but it's spilling over. Expect more relevant t-shirt news in the near future.
Received the new proof this morning, looks great. Let me know when you hear from the local screeners. Also, let me know if you want the contact information for the lender I used. He was a pleasant guy and extremely easy to work with.