Trans wont shift

Discussion in 'Modifications & DIY how-to' started by kaos, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. kaos

    kaos New Member

    ok here is the story found a guy on craigslist that said he needed help with his WRX, he bought a bunch of stuff and needed someone with more experience and a shop to work in to help him, that's where i come in. well we met up saturday for the first time, i drove a WRX for the first time, tight, sweet, and FAST, i loved it so the first thing that we decided to do is the stage 3 clutch and pressure plate from XTD i have changed i don't know how many clutches, this one wasn't much different, actually easier in my opinion for many reasons but we can talk about that later. anyways we wrestled the trans out with the stupid exhaust in the way, which is where i think that we went wrong, anyways, got the trans out ( oh yeah i had never seen a throwout bearing that locked into a pressure plate like that, so that added an hour to this whole thing, til i looked at the new clutch and seen what i had to do) everything was fine when it was out and i put the new throwout bearing on ( never seen one of those that went on like that either, very solid construction) i moved the gear selector input shft around and got it back in neutral and it was working fine. we wrestled it back in and when i went to hook up the shift linkage i noticed that i couldn't move the gear selector input shaft anymore. well i said to hell with it and put it back together figuring it would free up when i engaged the clutch but it didn't and the shifter inside the car is in what i believe to be EXTREME 3rd gear, meaning that selector shaft is all the way out and needs to go back in. i started the car and released the clutch a hair and the car pulls forward in whatever gear it is in but i can't get it out of that gear. so i took the trans back out, * cut the exhaust bolts and dropped the entire system , with that exhaust out of the way it only took me an hour to get it back out. can someone help me PS, the guy just called me and said that he contacted the subie dealer he got the car from and spoke to a tech and the tech said beat the ish out of that shaft cuz it ain't gonna reak anything. Thanks Levi
  2. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    Man it is hard to read your thread. Please use a paragraph and periods.

    I thought you were going to say you broke the shift forks on the inside of the tranny with a sick clutch like that, which may still be the problem. Sometimes they do slip and then can go back into place.
  3. kaos

    kaos New Member

    i had lines between the diff paragraphs but for some reason it came out like that.

    feels as if something is bound up on the inside but any shop wants like $400 to split it open and put it back together if there is nothing wrong. we are about to the point where we are going to educate ourselves on the inside of the gear box.

    here are a couple pics of the goodies going on once we get the trans issue straightened out and get the new clutch broke in.


    and this intercooler wont fit without modification, so it is for sale or if someone wants to trade for a fmic he is open to that too

    by the way, this thing is "post-it note yellow"
  4. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    ewww...OBX-R Turbo FTL!

    Also, make sure you get all NEW Subaru gaskets for the exhaust manifolds. The cheap ones that come with the ebay stuff he bought will leak.

    Also, you should find a factory service manual to help you figure out what is wrong with the clutch setup.
  5. kaos

    kaos New Member

    is that a good eww or bad eww

    i have never heard anything about obx turbos

    and thankx for the gasket tip, the clutch is okay worked fine just can't get the trans to shift
  6. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    if you get that stuff on there the trans probly wont shift anymore period. probly gonna be too much power for that weaksauce 5speed.
  7. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    That was a VERY bad ewww. Youw ill be lucky if that turbo works for a week.
  8. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    Sent you a pm. It kind of sounds like a shift linkage unless it was having the same issue before you put the new clutch in. Just saw you are in Oklahoma in another post, so you can disregard the pm :)
  9. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    Is there such thing as a good ewww?

    Also - you have to press down on the clutch pedal.
  10. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    Please don't take this the wrong way... but that poor poor car. I really feel bad for it, for more reasons than one.
  11. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Trying to think up what's wrong here......give me a few mins.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  12. kaos

    kaos New Member


    "don't take this the wrong way" but you guys are a lot of help, these are what the guy has, i told him i would help him install and tune.

    and what are these "more ways than one"

    another thing, this is exactly the reason i hesitated joining a wrx forum. bunch of people with more money than personality. i joined because i needed help, i am not a tard, i just know that there are people with more knowledge of these cars than i am and thought maybe someone had a similar experience and could shed some light.

    I suppose now someone is going to tell me that UTEC is a useless hunk of ish too, cuz that's what i am going to tune with.

    i also have read about the weaksauce trans and have warned him.

    what "linkage" are you guys talking about, internally because if so then i agree but when i hear linkage i think external and we all know that there isn't much external linkage on these things.
  13. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Okay here we go.

    If the car isn't shifting then the linkage is likely binding or the clutch isn't installed right and the shift fork can't move. Linkage is external.

    It's hard to understand what you are saying above but sounds like the clutch install just isn't done right.
    When you first said you install with the exhaust in place, that is enough evidence to know something isn't right to start with. Did you make sure the input shaft was lined up before sliding the transmission on? Can you take the transmission off and slide the linkage assemble back and forth on the tranmission itself?

    There's a lot of possibilities here but until you clearly explain what you are saying we can't help but so much.
  14. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Have you done any research on the UTEC or Ebay turbos in general? The people trying to give you advice are the ones that have personal experience with the stuff you are about to install.
  15. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Sounds like someone had a field day on ebay. X2 on clutch not being intalled correctly. Did you drain/refill the tranny?
  16. kaos

    kaos New Member

    wow i had this long explanation of what happened and it told me that i wasn't logged in and needed to refresh and when i did it was gone so give me a minute.

    i have researched the UTEC, not the turbo......i can deal with peoples negative opinions of parts, i understand that he bought cheap parts, what i have a hard time with is smart ass remarks that offer no help when i have only been on this forum 1 day and don't know how to take people because i don't know them.
  17. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    that hurts...I'm broke and unemployed. All I have is my personality.

    GL though...I know nothing about transmissions.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  18. kaos

    kaos New Member

    we took the tranny out in neutral and while it was on the ground i shifted it through the gears making sure it was in neutral but when we got the tranny back in the car and i went to hook the shifter back to the linkage, i tried to move the linkage and it would not move

    the clutch worked fine, we put it all back together to see if the engine could free up whatever was bound, but it didn't work.

    so now i have the tranny back out and it still won't move

    the only thing that i left out that i just thought about could be the prob is when we were taking out the trans neither one of us knew that the throwout locked into the pressure plate so we fought with it a lot and there was a couple times we would pry the engine/trans apart and they would snatch back together, but it was shifting on the ground so i don't think that was it.

    and when we put it back together i made sure tranny was in neutral and he turn flywheel till the lined up and slide together smoothly

    thank you
  19. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I would say most of the guys on this forum have more personality than money...the best thing to do is check the attitude at the door.

    It looks like you bought the whole ebay catalog and that was a mistake, you can get mad at everyone here for it or you can learn from your mistake and not do it next time. Do not beat on the selector rod you will bend a shift fork. I have never seen one get stuck for no reason.

    Good Luck
    Some asshole on a forum
  20. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    you did take the release fork off its pivot right?
  21. kaos

    kaos New Member

    i also understand what happens sometimes with cheap parts, sometimes they work sometimes they don't, but he said that he talked to some subaru owners that said they loved the obx td06, i told him i have no knowledge of their turbo rep at all

    but the thing that i was most worried about was tuning because that ultimately can make or break everything, but i researched the utec and have not read anything bad about it. if there are things that i need to be weary about can you please give me a heads up.

    we are also waiting on a AEM UEGO before we even install the utec or think about doing anything more than the clutch
  22. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    throw the utec away and get it flashed with open ecu
  23. kaos

    kaos New Member

    I DIDN'T HAVE AN ATTITUDE when i came through the door.

    i didn't order any of these parts, none of these things are mine.
    i didn't hit the shaft hard because i didn't think it was a good idea either.

    the first time i did not take the release fork off, i had no idea that the throwout and pressure plate locked together. after we fought with it for about 45mins, i decide to look at the new setup and then realized what was going on so i pulled the boot around the release fork off and reached in and pushed that ring in and it released

    the second time i removed the trans i did remove the shift fork and it slid right off like a charm
  24. Sparta

    Sparta Active Member

    Did you mate the new throw out bearing to the pressure plate? All it takes is pushing of the release fork.

    And how exactly do ou know the clutch is working fine if you can't drive the car and get it out of gear?
  25. kaos

    kaos New Member

    can you elaborate on the issues with the utec.

    it seemed pretty solid when i researched it, i think that i am just going to get this trans fixed and back in the car and tell him that i am not comfortable doing the rest of it.
  26. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Stop yelling...its quiet time
  27. kaos

    kaos New Member

    you forgot the other part, lol

    when i put it all back together the first time in hopes that whatever was stuck would free up i eased off the clutch and the car pulled forward but i could only go about 2ft

    so that's when i put it back on the lift and pulled the tranny back out.

    i am chill guys i swear, i just need help we can become friends and bullshit with each other later. i have this dudes tranny in my truck his car on my lift and he has my wife's van that she wants back ASAP, you can imagine the pressure that i am under right now.

    i have done god knows how many clutches and never had any issues, that's why i don't understand

    could prying the trans/engine apart with that throwout bearing locked in the pressure plate have messed something up by pulling on the input shaft to the gearbox too much. but it shifted while on the floor the first time
  28. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Okay dude you are going off the tangent and it's making me hesitate from even helping....just chill and ignore anything negative my comment include.

    I don't care what you've done in the past......the real question is what have you ever done on a Subaru? Subaru's are different front just about ANYTHING else out there. From what you stated above it sounds like you didn't take the pivot joint out and managed to get the transmission off in some other way. If you beat and pulled on the transmission then consider a possible bent shift fork.

    From your
  29. kaos

    kaos New Member

    we yanked on it alot and couldn't figure out what was holding it and seriously i am chill now, but after about 45mins of prying and yanking i went and looked at the new setup and realized that they were locked together so i pulled the boot out from around the shift fork and reached in there with a screw driver and pushed on that outer ring which released it very easily.

    the second time i pulled the tranny back out i pulled that bar out that the release fork pivots on and it came out smoothly, also the second time i just cut the rusted exhaust bolts and took that stuff out of the way so we didn't have to wrestle with anything.

    thank you again for asking questions and trying to help. I am just on edge, i am missing school today over this shit which i have to pay for and cant afford to fail. that's why i am here beggin for help.

    i have never even sat in a wrx until this last saturday, but honestly they don't seem to differ much from the old bugs in design other than all the vacuum stuff. i could be wrong.

    there are a lot of things like the crush pins in the half shafts in the front that i think other companies should adopt because that was way easier than trying to pop the axle out on my corolla

    the reason i was doing this for this guy is because he agreed to give me his td04 and all the stuff we replaced with new things.
  30. kaos

    kaos New Member

    and by school i mean college, lmao
  31. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    when you put it throwout bearing back in when putting it back together did you put it on the trans side or did you put it on the pressure plate?
  32. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    also did you use a clutch alignment tool?
  33. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    with some clutches, expecially aftermaket clutches you have to adjust the clutch pedal underneath the dash for the clutch to engage/disengage. i ran into this problem on integroids car with a spec clutch
  34. kaos

    kaos New Member

    i put it on the trans side and looked in the release fork hole with a light and pushed the release fork by hand and made sure that it was seated in the pressure plate correctly.

    yes i did use an alignment tool, no i didn't adjust the clutch pedal but it seemed to be fully disengaging, i started the car as i said earlier and eased off the clutch and drove forward about 2ft and it was smooth no noises or vibrations or anything like that.

    thank you for your help, i really am not an asshole guys, i just hope you can understand how it looked to me when i came here begging the more knowledge for help and got smart alick comments about the quality of parts that i did not buy. i hope to stick around because even though i don't own a subie and prolly won't i like seeing what people do with their cars and i amdire the wrx
  35. kaos

    kaos New Member

    typing too fast
  36. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Can you disconnect the linkage and manually shift the gears by hand on the trans case itself?
  37. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    does the car shift into gear ok while turned off?
  38. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    there is an edit button, you know.

    Your friend is gonna be in a whole heap of trouble when he figures this out, too. All those parts :eek3:
  39. kaos

    kaos New Member

    no, i could shift it by hand when i put the throwout bearing on the input shaft when it was on the floor

    after we wrestled it back up there and got it bolted up i went to connect the shifter rod from inside the car back to that knuckle on the selector rod going into the transmission and realized that i could no longer move the rod going into the transmission.
  40. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    pm sent
  41. kaos

    kaos New Member

    i told him when he told me that it was an obx turbo, that i had heard of obx but didn't know that they made turbos and that i wasn't too sure of their quality and he said he talked to a few people that said that they loved em. i also told him when he couldn't tell me what brand the header and up pipe and downpipe were that we may have fitment issues since it is all cheap ish.
    did everyone think when i said "my friend" that it was me and i was covering my a$$

    i can't afford a
  42. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Drop it.
  43. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    First off a quick search on the forums will tell you to remove the tranny you must remove the pivot shaft that the clutch fork sits on. By pulling out the shaft you will not have to pry on the tranny possibly damaging the input shaft on it. Chances are if you pried on the tranny hard enough you could have bent the input shaft.

    On the easier side you may have just installed the clutch disc backwards causing the clutch disc stay in a bind or worse hit the flywheel bolts binding up.

    Eighter way you are coming off way harsh for people just trying to give you advice.
  44. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Good point Doug. koas the clutch disc should have springs on it. On one side of the disc the springs should be flatter and not protruding as much as the other side. The side that has the springs protruding out the most should be facing towards the rear of the car. Double check that.
  45. kaos

    kaos New Member

    that area that protrudes with the springs is facing into the pressure plate or as you put it the rear of the car, that as you said was the only way it would fit without hitting the flywheel bolts. thank you though

    kingwrex asked me to take of that little plate on the driver's side of the trans and check the detent ball and spring and when i took the spring out the last 2 coils were stretched and he said it seemed as though someone before us had messed with the trans and that i should take it to a pro. so i contacted the guy and told him that was what he needed to do. he is now trying to sell his rims and everything else he can to get the money to get this fixed. is it too early for me to post things for sale?

    also doug i wasn't trying to be that way you just kinda gotta look at it from my point of view. i don't know anyone here well enough to know who is just giving me ish and who the real a*holes are. but i don't want to keep talking about it.

    I apologize

    and i am cleaning my hands of this mess as soon as i get this guys car back on the road. but i will be around i really like what you guys do with your cars.

    just curious doug what does

    1150 and counting mean?
  46. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    That's the number of individual Subaru's Doug has tuned. Not counting all the other makes and models and not counting the fact that he has tuned many of those individual Subarus multiple times.
  47. kaos

    kaos New Member

    sikkness, by tuned does that refer to tuned only or built and tuned?

    what's the highest hp wrx right now or is there a thread for that, i would search the forums but the comp i am on is dialup and searching too much kinda frazzles it.
  48. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    It's both.

    Topspeed has tuned a LOT of 500 hp Subarus and some with 600-700 hp.
  49. kaos

    kaos New Member

    that's sikk, i am looking for 200 in my corolla, lmao

    who's got the most on this forum?
  50. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Probably Doug himself in Lucy or that Cosworth car that they just tuned. Those are all built STi motors.

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