My air conditioner just went out on my car. has anyone else had this problem? i thought that i just needed to recharge it but the compresser is not kicking on. went to the local auto parts store "O'RIELLYS" but they didnt have or can get any parts for it. any suggestions? its funny because he told me to get on wrxatlanta and ask yall.
I was with Breel last night and he was charging Andre's (not on the forum) outback as I sat there annoying him with n00b questions...he said that you have to short the sensor to kick the compressor on if you're out of coolant. Something about one side of the loop having high pressure and the other side have low pressure...not exactly sure, maybe he'll chime in. However, the sensor is located right beside the strut tower on the passenger side. He just pulled the plug and short circuited it to kick on the compressor while he refilled the system w/ some R134.
it's the pressure switch, pull the plug off and jump the connectors. if the clutch kicks on it is usually the signs of a leak, most of the the time the shrader valve in the line where you fill. check your pressure on low and high side and if ok then your pressure switch is bad. Get with King, he'll take care of you.
My bet is that you have a leak. When the refridgerant gets low, no compressor. Recharge with refridgerant with dye, look for leak, fix, recharge. I chose to have a shop to the final recharge as they hooked a vacuum line to the system to help remove moisture.
yep, if you have no freon or to much freon in the system the compressor will not kick on. most likely a leak ans needs to be refilled with freon and dye added to the system and check for the leak.
If you know someone at a shop they can put some gauges on it to check the pressures. I am wondering how one would have to much unless they just filled it up and over filled. I can see an A/C working and then not b/c of a leak and becoming low.